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Oct 18, 2007 look... no hands link

thats what i thought when i first seen that movie
Oct 18, 2007 Professor Chaos link
Haha, so true!

The thing I hate the most about the prequels is that now I find myself going back and really taking a hard look at the original trilogy, and finding all the flaws there, too. I think there should have been only one Death Star, and it truly belonged in The Return of the Jedi. You'd need a new big threat for A New Hope, but you'd avoid the mess pointed out in that short clip, and the absolute stupidity of the Empire, after their probably expensive space station blows up, building another one that's almost exactly the same as the first one, with the same weakness except now it's a tunnel and not a trench, and the reactor is much easier to hit.

Cool, now I have a new website to waste all sorts of time on instead of doing my homework.
Oct 18, 2007 Shadoen link
Ye, How it should have ended has cool stuff.
Oh, and the dead star's lazer takes 24 hours to recharge, pfft, course everyone knows that...right?
: (
Oct 18, 2007 Cunjo link

If you blew up the planet, you would do sufficient damage to the moon and anything on it that you wouldn't NEED to shoot again.
Oct 18, 2007 Surbius link
Actually given the proximity the Death Star at the time was to Yavin IV (or whatever the name is), blowing it up would have seriously damaged the Death Star and make it even more vulnerable to attack. Of course backing away from the planet then firing would do but that would take time and the Rebels would have attacked by then and abandon the moon base. If anything, the Death Star should have calculated when the moon would be open for attack and so giving a time table when to strike, but they failed horribly and had their shiny new space station blasted by a bunch of moody teenagers.
Oct 21, 2007 MSKanaka link
Also, the main planet (Yavin; the moon itself was Yavin IV) was a gas giant. Dunno how that'd change the effects of the laser, but it's worth mentioning.

It's much easier to explain away a missing moon to the media than it is to explain a missing planet.

'cuz you KNOW someone's going to ask.
Oct 21, 2007 Surbius link
And then prompty followed by men in black suits putting a bag over the person's head and carrying them off.