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Haha, Algore has to share the Nobel Prize with the IPCC

Oct 12, 2007 Professor Chaos link
They shared the same lies, why not share the meaningless prize?
Oct 12, 2007 Cunjo link
They should have just awarded him for inventing the internet and been done with it.
Oct 13, 2007 kaptain kill link
we owe our lives to al gore
Oct 13, 2007 slime73 link
Oct 13, 2007 smittens link
What's wrong with sharing?
Oct 14, 2007 Professor Chaos link
Oh, nothing's wrong with sharing, it's just that Algore had it in his mind that he was the savior of the world or something. Oh, man, what must be going through Bill Clinton's mind right now? He wanted that thing so bad, and now he gets outdone by his Number 2 in his own game of telling lies and getting praise for it! That must suck.

I won't get into the whole Global Warming deal here.... I'm too busy and it gives me a headache. Although someone will probably say something that I can't help but respond to, Global Warming is one of those easy to reach buttons that sets me off. I hope my little snyde comment didn't open a Pantera's Box (hehe).
Oct 14, 2007 smittens link

Out of curiosity, Chaos, what state are you in?
Oct 14, 2007 epadafunk link
do you dispute global warming? or even human caused global warming?

what a loser. only a big oil company fanboy would do that.
Oct 14, 2007 Professor Chaos link
smittens: Currently I'm in Idaho, but I grew up in Boulder, Colorado (that's right, hippieville, the San Fransisco of the Rockies) and lived for quite awhile in Missouri before here. I don't know what that has to do with much, but I survived Boulder somehow without becoming a crazy person....

epadafunk: For me the jury's still out on whether global warming is happening. My thoughts are that it probably is, but I do not in the slightest believe that anything man is doing right now is at all capable of having any measurable impact either way. The Earth is dynamic, the relative "stability" we've had in climate the last 6000 years or so is not normal. Flux is the norm, warming and cooling, often very rapidly, and it's happened for 4.6 billion years here on Earth. Most of the warming graphs you see, and the ones that show the correlation to CO2, are very convincing.... within the timeframe shown. CO2 was rising strongly from 1940-70, too, but the big scare of the time was global cooling, and for the same reason we hear today: FOSSIL FUELS! It's amazing. Even the warming shown in the IPCC graphs is suspect, there's a lot of corrupted data in there.

By the way, man's influence on climate is so huge, we're not only warming Earth, we're warming Mars, too! Oh, wait, it's the Sun that's doing that. Hey, maybe the Sun is warming Earth! Maybe we should see if there's a correlation between Sun cycles and temperature proxies... Also, we don't at all know how to accurately model clouds or their very complicated impact on climate. The IPCC reports plugs in one general number to account for ALL WATER (most of the greenhouse effect by far), and only focuses on anthropogenic causes, probably because the final report is written by politicians and not scientists, and saying "man-made" gets you votes. Not all the scientists that work on those reports agrees, but if they work on it their name gets put on as a contributor at the end, so they can say "this many scientists agree! Consensus!" but it's not true.

Since I don't think fossil fuels will destroy the Earth, I don't mind the prospect of working for "Big Oil." It's Big Government that concerns me. If you think oil is bad, then send Bush a thank-you note for raising the price of gas and saving the Earth the way Algore proposed in his book "Earth in the Lurch." You guys all think Bush inflated those prices to make a profit anyway, why not ask him to raise them some more? That makes sense, because that's totally the way it works.

Now I have to do homework.
Oct 15, 2007 smittens link
If you spend any time looking into facts, you'll find that the big argument against it is that CO2 levels have always fluctuated, which is true. Human/CO2 stuff isn't that big a problem in causing global warming. However we are having a negative effect. Methane is a big issue from the large number of cows we've got grazing. And others. I'm not that knowledgeable on the subject, although I have been lectured at a number of times by people who DO know their shit. But bottom line is that people are causing a problem, and 99% of non-hick, non-bribed scientists will agree.
Oct 15, 2007 Professor Chaos link
Oh, man, I sooooo wish I wasn't behind on my homework, because I have looked quite a lot into many facts, and CO2 is not nearly the only argument (in fact I've already given a couple others in this thread alone). I love the farting cow argument, it cracks me up. It's interesting you say "99% of non-hick, non-bribed scientists will agree", because although things are improving lately, for a long time it has been that not endorsing anthropogenic global warming is a sure way to lose funding and not get published. The global warming issue is about 90% politics, and only 10% science, unfortunately. I predict that within 20 years, global warming will be in textbooks as an example of bad science, sifting the data to fit the hypothesis rather than reforming the hypothesis in the face of contrary data. We'll have to wait. I have an old essay (kind of lengthy) that I've written on it, and one of these days if I have time I've been meaning to update it (so much info to put in it!) and if/when I do I'll be sure to post a link to it here. Sadly, I have no time now, and here I've gone and opened the floodgates on a hot issue and I can't spend time on it! Sorry about that.
Oct 15, 2007 mr bean link
i dont care whether you believe in global warming or not, but you have to agree that all that pollution shit is ugly as fuck. ever see a forest where theres been some bad acid rain? how about gone fishing and seen a huge pool of week old dead fish floating around a disturbance in the water caused by some sort of pipe dumping waste into it?
have you ever had so much smog that you could almost taste it? ive experienced all of these and they pretty much ruined my day. al gore was way too bitchy about stuff in that movie though.
Oct 15, 2007 Professor Chaos link
Oh, I agree mr bean, pollution is a bad thing. It's a common misconception that if you don't believe in Global Warming and you think DDT saved lives, you hate the Earth. Not true! In fact, if you really care about the environment, stop wasting time on bullshit like the Kyoto Protocol and do something productive with all that money!
Oct 16, 2007 mr bean link
like build a cardboard box fort!
Oct 16, 2007 epadafunk link
when Manhattan island is covered in water, you'll see who's right
Oct 16, 2007 Professor Chaos link
Hahaha, you need to stop watching movies and believing them. You know sea level has never been constant in the history of the Earth, right? So if Manhattan gets drowned, it doesn't necessarily mean global warming. Sea level is actually historically a bit low right now! Who says the way it is now (sea level, temperature, anything) is the way it's supposed to be? How do we know the way the Earth is right now is anything like normal? We're still recovering from an ice age, we're still in an ice age! It is not normal for the Earth to have two poles covered in ice. Kansas used to be covered in a couple miles of ice, but isn't now. I don't think SUV's did that.
Oct 16, 2007 slime73 link
They might not have caused it, but it's happening a lot faster now than any other time.
Oct 17, 2007 smittens link
"So if Manhattan gets drowned, it doesn't necessarily mean global warming."

This just kind of shows that you aren't conjuring much of an argument. Coincidence could be used to write off almost any scientific discovery. Maybe gravity doesn't exist, it's just that things happen to fall when dropped.

"It's a common misconception that if you don't believe in Global Warming and you think DDT saved lives, you hate the Earth."

This is just making up (or using an already crafted) stereotype to trash the large numbers of QUALIFIED people that have analyzed the FACTS and understand that global warming is happening, and is being caused by pollution. There is no sane person alive that would argue that people hate the Earth, even if they don't believe global warming. I have no doubt in my mind that you and your stubborn right-wing friends love the Earth (especially AMERICA!!!!, FUCK YEAH!!!). You're just incredibly ignorant.
Oct 17, 2007 Professor Chaos link
Qualified people have studied the facts and said man is causing global warming, and other equally qualified people have studied the facts and said that man is not causing global warming. There is no consensus, and even if there was, there used to be a consensus that mankind was causing the Earth to cool, because of fossil fuel burning. Turns out that was wrong, and it's too soon to tell what's really happening now. We don't fully understand the systems at work; we can't even accurately model clouds, which are the biggest factor in all of this!
Oct 17, 2007 Skyfox link
I just miss what climate change and world peace have to do with each other.