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incredible sync bettwen camera capture rate and copter blades makes sweet effect

Oct 11, 2007 Lord~spidey link
Oct 12, 2007 Professor Chaos link
Nice, that's really cool.
Oct 12, 2007 Surbius link
The commentary causes great pain and suffering to read.
Oct 12, 2007 mr bean link
no it doesnt

cool vid spidey.
Oct 12, 2007 Lord~spidey link
ima gonna put it up on digg
Oct 12, 2007 Cunjo link
what's really incredible about it is that the speed of the shutter was high enough to freeze them without blurring.
Oct 12, 2007 upper case link
Spidey... that was on Digg weeks ago. Might I suggest you Digg this instead? It's more in their usual greatness.
Oct 12, 2007 Lord~spidey link
i think i made a blunder its very possible this is a model with shound effects added later

but i see how you should do this take a camera with a very high shutter speed 120fps~500fps and only use the frames that sych properly and make them play you a millisecond longer or shorter so we could not wee a difference in the play speed

but i think its more probable thats its a model :)
Oct 13, 2007 look... no hands link
ive seen similar effects with wheels on cars, cool though to see it on a chopper. Now that i think about it the frame rate dosent have ty exactley synch, if it was any multiple of one fifth the rotation speed it'd still appear nearly stationary.

what cunjo said is still true, it takes a rather high shutter speed (i think) to make the blades look stationary in any one frame. though ive no idea what the rpm range is on those for the main rotor, so it may not actually be as high as you think.
Oct 13, 2007 epadafunk link
the rotation rate would change to make it go up and down. fake.
Oct 13, 2007 Lord~spidey link
epadafunk thats actually not true rotor blades dont change speed to go higher

they change thre angle so they move more air its pretty simple :P

but it is probably fake ;)
Oct 13, 2007 Cunjo link
No, I don't think it's a fake... based on the flight mechanics, someone would have to be incredibly well-versed in helicopter aviation to pull this off. It's important to note the relation between the helicopter's normal, the rotor's normal, the bowing of the blades, and the helicopter's flight behavior... it's very accurate.

And spidey is right - climbing is accomplished by changing the pitch in the rotors, rather than the speed. It's important that they do it that way, or there would be far too much control lag, and you wouldn't be able to climb or fall quickly in an emergency.

EDIT: Note that the main rotor speed isn't that high... that's why you hear the thumping of the blades. It should be perfectly doable to capture them in sync with a 60fps, 45fps or even 30fps camera, depending on the helo. You're still looking at under 1/125 s shutter time for that clear of a picture, though. The blurring is barely visible on the tail rotor (which moves faster)

Also, the people who comment on these videos are just the pinnacle of intelligence, aren't they?

"5) by joeljoeljoel [05/17/07 02:03:50 PM]
It can fly because its not a helicopter its a herrier fighter jet in disgise...god some people are dumb. lol

6) by joeljoeljoel [05/17/07 02:04:50 PM]
lol i spelled disguise wrong

7) by joeljoeljoel [05/17/07 02:06:27 PM]
look at the wings.... helicopters dont have wings

8) by diego1103 [05/17/07 02:18:36 PM]
lmao its so obvious. all of you are wrong. its not the frame rate of the camera its that the copter is free falling. thats why the camera man never zooms out. lol its just to give the illusion that its floating but its actually just free falling.

9) by diego1103 [05/17/07 02:19:41 PM]
also notice how the blades bend upwards due to the wind resistance from falling.

10) by joesnose [05/17/07 02:26:10 PM]
helicopter freefall causes the blades to spin! they aren't spinning, im with the disguise option, lol

12) by joeljoeljoel [05/17/07 02:43:33 PM]
diego ur a retard!!!

13) by Roofus [05/17/07 04:16:23 PM]
It cant be free falling because the camera man points the camera up at one point and the chopper hovers too.

19) by M.T. [05/17/07 10:41:34 PM]
Guys.. lol Military choppers like that one have jet engines on both sides on the chassis that they can turn on in case of a blade malfunction. they are just showing how well they can fly with jet propulsion alone. Thats also why it has wings, for sta

20) by Boshy [05/18/07 03:37:28 AM]
It flies The same way a Harrier Jump jet flies...exhaust turbo gasses..."
Oct 14, 2007 Lord~spidey link
oh god those are even more pathetic than my replies :(

i felt sad for the internet reading these
Oct 15, 2007 Cunjo link
Spidey, in response to your comment on the video:

And if I hear you supporting incorrect WTC theories again I will send a midget with a baseball bat to beat you and shove that plaque up your ass. You should take that seriously; it has sharp edges.