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Halo 3

Oct 06, 2007 smittens link
It's fucking hamazing. So who's got it? I was matchmaked with a guy named "ScubaSteve" (and some other random numbers) today and I nearly hexploded. But then he said he'd never heard of vendetta.
Oct 06, 2007 Whistler link
I've seen scubasteves in other games too.
Oct 07, 2007 Scuba Steve 9.0 link
Yeah, wasn't me. Haven't played yet, don't own a 360, etc etc etc.
Oct 07, 2007 look... no hands link
at the arbys near me theres a guy who sounds like a buned out surfer who used CRAYON to draw his name tag on his shirt and the name he wrote, scuba steve
Oct 07, 2007 Surbius link
Helped a friend buy it for ourselves on Wednesday. They changed some of the menu layout and we quickly found ourselves in Forge when we were trying to find the control layout menu.

All I can say is, A.S.B.S to the max!
Oct 07, 2007 MSKanaka link
SurbTranslate: "A.S.B.S." -> "Gravity Hammer"
Oct 07, 2007 Surbius link
A.S.B.S = Anti-Sonofa Bitch Stick = Gravity Hammer
Oct 08, 2007 toshiro link
I still like the Marathon naming convention best.
Oct 08, 2007 MSKanaka link
Yeah, there were TONS of Marathon references in Halo 3... moreso than in the other two games, I think.

I mean, hell, they named a portion of a level "Rampant"...
Oct 08, 2007 A-Dawg link
Couldn't help posting... My roomates got it at 12:00 midnight and bought the $200 special edition (with the helmet) as soon as it came out. Then proceeded the next 9 hours without sleep playing it before quitting. Now one of my roomates hardly ever goes to class anymore. Most nights he invites friends, acquaintences and other more random people into our living room from anywhere from a couple hour to all night fragfests.

It was fine for a bit, but when you go to sleep with one random person in your house, and then wake up to the sounds of fighting to find another random person on your couch the next morning it gets frustrating. There's nearly 24 hours of gunfire and perpetual killing ringing through the house. It really gets to your head when you're trying to sleep/eat/study/converse/breath/stay sane.
Oct 08, 2007 Capt.Waffles link
Ah, I remember those days, back in college, with Halo....
Now, i have a cat... he attacks his tail while in an empty case of beer.
Pretty much the same situation, I feel your pain A-Dawg.
Oct 08, 2007 toshiro link
Miha, I meant the naming in the original Marathon game series ^^

Things such as SPNKR, WSTE-M, TOZT... And of course "Eat it, Vidboi!"
Oct 08, 2007 look... no hands link
"It really gets to your head when you're trying to sleep/eat/study/converse/breath/stay sane."

you could just go insane, more fun that way. or start playing pranks on the probably drunk strangers passed out on your couch. forget sharpies, acetone takes it off easily, real pro's use paint markers.
Oct 10, 2007 moldyman link
The gravity hammer pawns. It just does...
Oct 10, 2007 Lord~spidey link
spartan lazer pawns
Oct 10, 2007 smittens link
Grav Hammer sucks. I regularly kick the ass of hammer-ers with a single mauler. The only times I've lost that fight is when they sneak up on me with camo (which is really fucking hard to see in this version. It's way better)

Spartan laser also is shitty. I hope I get matchmade against spidey so he can try to laser me and I can just sidestep it, BR his face in, and then teabag away.
Oct 10, 2007 mr bean link
grav hammer is fun!
Oct 10, 2007 Lord~spidey link
smittens i dont play halo noob its just a cool looking weapon
Oct 11, 2007 mr bean link
Oct 17, 2007 Skyfox link
That first video is pretty funny, those kids need driving lessons.