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Incredible documentary - Zeigeist

Oct 01, 2007 Lord~spidey link
great documentary i watched it awhile ago but i didn't find a good whole link until now

Its pretty long about 2 hours but its well worth the watch.

Enjoy :)

[edit] Btw i made a typo in the thread name its Zeitgeist not Zeigeist[/edit]
Oct 01, 2007 JJPro link
Always the same conspiracy bullshit. The theory of a worldwide conspiracy of a few people "behind the curtain" that want to control all world has three major problems:

Planning: economy and society are extremely complex systems and thus unpredictable and even less controllable, e.g. like you can't predict the stock market or like the planned economy in the USSR failed

Data Mining: as a computer scientist working in a related field, I know how easy it is to collect data, but also how hard it is to interpret data, manage data and draw conclusions from data, even with the best supercomputers you will have a hard time observing even a small amount of people

Provableness: you can construct a conspiracy on everything, e.g. you are living in the Matrix, the world is not real, McDonalds is owned by aliens, etc., you can't prove these conspiracies but you can't disprove them either, you have to believe them. That makes them somehow religious.

But maybe I am just one of THEM ;)
Oct 01, 2007 epadafunk link
have you been trying to solve the problem since watching the movie? have you changed your life at all because of it? even if all these things are true, they're too radical for anyone to do anything about. I'm going to be dead before this effects me too radically, so why should i care?
Oct 01, 2007 mr bean link
if you dont care then your a dick.
it doesnt seem like its all conspiracy to me, they had some really good points with the religion stuff.
and that whole thing with the presidents grandfather supporting nazi germany really shocked me.
Oct 02, 2007 epadafunk link
ok, say i do care
what can i do about it?
Oct 02, 2007 mr bean link
well could you be more specific? which part?
personally im just happy enough to learn about this stuff.
I guess one way to help would be to spread the word, like what spidey did here. the more people who know about this stuff, the more likely somebody who has the power to do something will hear about it.
Oct 02, 2007 JJPro link
The problem is: the movie contains a lot of lies instead of "The Truth (tm)".

Here is an interesting thread:

Read it and draw your own conclusions.
Oct 02, 2007 Whistler link
It's depressing to me how easily people accept information as fact, particularly when it's packaged as information "they don't want you to know". Any information you can't verify should be suspect. At best, if I have no direct knowledge, I consider things that seem logical to be "probably true" or "likely".

We need an infusion of critical thinking:

The blog updates every Friday. See also the sites for Bad Astronomy and Skepchick:
Oct 02, 2007 Shadoen link
To me it looked like they used the christianity part for the sole purpose of adding an extra 40 min. The other 2 parts were cool, but the other's just shitty atheist propaganda. It wasnt even related to the other 2 parts.
Oct 10, 2007 Lord~spidey link
Oct 10, 2007 epadafunk link
sorry, that video is not available
Oct 10, 2007 mr bean link
yes it is.
Oct 11, 2007 epadafunk link
ah! sure enough!