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Sep 29, 2007 epadafunk link
i had it do ten waves at once and it didnt like that idea
Sep 30, 2007 Cunjo link
The holding pattern is a range upgrade feature. If you upgrade the range enough, it kicks in.

That's not a very effective combo, LNH. It doesn't deal that much damage, and has a very limited area effect.
Also, I'm talking about the custom maps that people are using when I say it's cheating... the people who are getting those high scores are using custom maps with a tiny section of track that doubles back on itself 100+ times and leaves all of the map area open for building impossibly long chains. You just can't do it as effectively on classic.

epadafunk, whenever I play, I always build a nuke combo right off the bat and use that to get through wave 200 or so while I build other combos. Start with a rocket turret like LNH said, and also two cannon turrets right next to it, and upgrade the rocket turret damage to max. Upgrade also the rate enough that it can keep up with the baddies (and a little higher helps too in case you start getting overwhelmed), and upgrade the range until it starts launching a holding pattern of rockets in preperation for the next wave.
Then upgrade the damage of the two cannon turrets to max, and the rocket turret will start launching nukes, which will clear all of the baddies in the area of impact in one hit. The nuke will stay effective until a while after wave 100, or 200 if you plan it right.

Try building tazers right near the max range of the rocket, and upgrading their damage and rate to full. When they hit, they will slow down the baddies, causing them to bunch up into a nice, neat ball, that the nuke can take them all out in one hit. As you get further along in waves, having a lot of upgraded tazers along the front of the track will help a lot in slowing down the onslaught and allowing your other combos to take them out. Once you have a couple upgraded tazers set up and a nuke combo, you can start sending through multiple waves at once for fast cash. Just don't send more waves than your tazers can slow down enough for the nukes.

If you build a whole bunch of nuke clusters with Big Damage+ upgrades around them and a corridor of tazers, fully upgraded with Big Damage+ and Rate+ upgrades around them near the front of the track, you can keep going easily until level 600 or so.

Laser chaining works similar, but only works on good combos that use a laser (not as primary). The best I've found is the Shockwave Combo, which uses 2 Tazers, a cannon and a laser (with the Tazers as primary). It takes some practice and strategy to build them in a good place and set up a laser chain to fuel it.

The most effective laser chain setup I've managed is this:
And it still isn't as effective as my Nuke setup, though with some finer tuning it could be... basically, since the laser chain can fire faster than the shockwave combo can use it, I set up 6 different shockwave combos and set them all to use the same laser chain. If timed correctly, you can be taking advantage of the full power of the laser chain with every strike from multiple different combo clusters. I used Lyne here to give me more room for building laser chains.

Once you have money, be sure to liberally upgrade your existing clusters using Big Damage+ turrets, and Rate+/Range+ ones where applicable.

I actually recommend classic for beginners, because it loops back on itself and if you put a rocket behind the first crossing, they spend more time within your rangem letting you catch any that manage to slip by you the first time for any reason.

If you use black holes, you can go on forever, but you won't get any points for eliminating the waves, since you don't destroy the enemies yourself.
Sep 30, 2007 Cunjo link
also, I need to stop playing this game... it wastes my time as much as vendetta.
Sep 30, 2007 Phaserlight link
you wanted to get anything done today?
Sep 30, 2007 Cunjo link
yes. >.<