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Is it just me...

Sep 21, 2007 sector0 link
Well I have just browsed the forums, pictures, and been on the game a little but I believe they are getting farther and farther from a better game. Good work and all, it is a heck of a lot better than I could ever do, maybe I just need to test try the game by buying the game for a month or two, but I just think it is just getting too far away from the original beta version which I realize is the purpose of this, but I think the beta version should be worse than the official game. Don't take it the wrong way developers, but I just don't think good of the game at all anymore. anyone else feel this way?
Sep 21, 2007 slime73 link
Nope. >.>
Sep 21, 2007 Lord~spidey link
Nope. >.>
Sep 21, 2007 Predator233 link
If you were from the beta version(the version that did not recommend you to pay money to play and was only a test)please put your name.
Sep 21, 2007 Whistler link
It's probably just you.

Let's see...

You formed your opinion after you had "browsed the forums, pictures, and been on the game a little". IMO, that's not sufficient to support your rather broad criticism.

You provide no specific criticism or any basis for your opinion.

You compare the current VO to the extremely limited VO Beta and deem it "worse".

I was the 98th person to sign up for Vendetta - and I'm pleased with the overall direction we're headed in.

"Don't take it the wrong way..." What would be the wrong way?
Sep 22, 2007 SCAR Bank link
some people don't like the MMO aspect.

I miss the space quake where you never paid for repairs.
Sep 22, 2007 toshiro link
Well... I still like the game, as such. It's true, I have seen pretty much everything I wanted to see so far, but I know/hope the developers are working on content. And I'm looking forward to that. And in order to see that content, I keep my subscription active, even though I don't play.
Sep 22, 2007 look... no hands link
"You compare the current VO to the extremely limited VO Beta and deem it "worse".

I was the 98th person to sign up for Vendetta - and I'm pleased with the overall direction we're headed in."

first, some people liked it better when it was more limited, overall i liked vo best in early 2006.

second, just because you like it, doesn't mean others will, thats why Heinz makes 57 variety's (actually more)

I'm with scar bank, space quake rocked.

Theres been a few changes I've not liked:
1 making the WTD not special
2 the whole mess of speed nurfs several months ago
3 nurfing the Charge Cannon (really who besides me uses them in PVP anyway)
4 getting rid of the shoot away in system warp (was necessary though)
5 new interface (still seems clunky to me, the older one was more streamlined i think)
6 the new hud (I've since changed back to the old power bars, but the distance thing still belongs on the bottom
7 monitoring of versi (i'd've put a new station at the other end so both entrances were guarded but not the versi sides of the wh's
8 paying for repairs

theres alot of things I do like however,

1 hive hunt
2 no unnies in b8
3 convoys (even if raiding them don't pay too well)
4 border skirmish
5 weapon drops (big plus)
6 leviathans
7 great community (for the most part)
8 12 shot sunflares
9 behemoth xc's
10 various player organized events
11 many more I'm not going to list
Sep 22, 2007 smittens link
Hive hunt is GREAT
Sep 22, 2007 genka link
What you people that are responding here seem to have failed to remember is that sector0 is lord spidey from before lord spidey, and as such deserves about as much consideration as a gnat.
Sep 22, 2007 Lord~spidey link
Sep 22, 2007 Shadoen link
for real?
Sep 22, 2007 MSKanaka link
I think genka meant that sector0 is a player who may have at one point in time acted in the same manner that a bunch of people currently associate with spidey.

I think he may be confusing sector0 with his brother, though.
Sep 22, 2007 lord-gnome link
Sep 22, 2007 Whistler link
I identified that I was the 98th signup because I misread Predator's post.

"Just because you like it, doesn't mean others will, thats why Heinz makes 57 variety's (actually more)"

Okay, and we can reverse that and say "Just because you DON'T like it..."
Sep 22, 2007 sector0 link
Just to remind you Genka, I am not lord spidey or whatever, I'm AKA or AsteroidX. Not to confuse anyone. My brother was Jm262.
Sep 23, 2007 toshiro link
What, he died?
Sep 23, 2007 Whistler link
No wonder he's bitter :(