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Petition to prove that EA sucks

Sep 15, 2007 343 Guilty Spark link
Sep 16, 2007 toshiro link
You cannot prove anything with a petition.
Sep 16, 2007 Whistler link
With the exception of petitions to get something onto a ballot, I beleive petitions to be useless. This one, by its own admission, is faily useless.
Sep 16, 2007 Lord~spidey link
hey if you don't like EA just don't buy there games

listen there are a whole bunch of games that are not published by EA and EA is starting to lose groung to Ubisoft.

Just give it time usually things that suck change or die off.
Sep 16, 2007 Cunjo link
"This one, by its own admission, is faily useless."

That's what's so great about it (:
Sep 16, 2007 toshiro link
"Just give it time usually things that suck change or die off."

And that worked so great with MicroSoft.
Sep 16, 2007 343 Guilty Spark link
I believe you misspelled "MicroSuck." Common mistake.
Sep 17, 2007 Lord~spidey link
Toshiro it will happen
Sep 18, 2007 toshiro link
It is hard for me to tell if you're being genuinely dense or if you are joking, spidey.
Sep 19, 2007 break19 link
Many people in "the industry" think Microshaft may be on it's last legs with Vista. Especially since many companies have begun embracing "3rd party" Operating Systems such as Linux, the BSDs, and even MacOS.

Even Microsoft itself is aware that Windows as an OS is likely to not last much longer, which is why they've branched into console gaming with the Xbox machines..

Nothing lasts forever in a capitalist state. Eventually, SOMEONE will bring out something better, cheaper, etc.

Problem is, unless you buy a Mac computer, you can't run Mac OS X.. and Linux isnt exactly easy to use for most people. Business customers want something that just works, never needs tweaking or searching for drivers etc.

Sep 19, 2007 Lord~spidey link
Sep 20, 2007 toshiro link
I don't think that MicroSoft can be counted out of the OS market this easily, simply because so many people have always worked using their products. It is not exactly cheap to make a switch.

Also MicroSoft has been steadily losing money on the console market.
Sep 20, 2007 Lord~spidey link
what did i tell ja