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Offshore pirate radio stations might be a little harder to catch now

Sep 10, 2007 Whistler link
Sep 10, 2007 upper case link
Hrm. Er. I call bull.

Or... how much energy is required to generate a big enough RF wave to have this "energy" released? Does it generate enough to self-power?

If so, then Hurray. But until more details are available, I'll pull a Whistler and call it fakes video, with wires, CGI and the whole shabang.

Har. Twice.


In all fairness, SFGate article mentions it got the story from the Post Gazette. I found the original here.
Sep 10, 2007 Whistler link
If they got anywhere near calling it "free energy" or a perpetual reaction, I'd cry foul as well. I'm betting it uses quite a bit of electricity for the RF generator. The cool part is that this way of breaking the hydrogen/oxygen bond was not known before.
Sep 10, 2007 upper case link
Well, you can do it with electrodes. it's a slow process but give it a full day of solar-panel power and you actually got hydrogene. Though it's a slow process.
Sep 10, 2007 Whistler link
There's a good discussion here:

I knew about electrolysis - I was meaning that using RF to break the bonds was news. I knew you could boil water with RF (I used to have an RF oven - precursor of the modern microwave) but not break it up.
Sep 10, 2007 toshiro link
Interesting. This would have to be looked into, to see what kind of efficiency is possible.