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Sep 05, 2007 Shadoen link
Sep 05, 2007 upper case link
I'm not so sure as to why people are shocked by this.

I thought this was routine. I mean, it's by far the least dangerous they can do with these things.

I mean, they're trucking in and out fissile material. That's worse.
Sep 06, 2007 Whistler link
It's not like they're conventional explosives. If the nukes aren't armed, they won't explode. There have been many cases where unactivated nukes have been aboard planes that have crashed or dropped by accident on US farms. No boom (though in the case of the farm, the impact itself did some serious damage).

I'm more curious as to why this news story is actually being reported to us.
Sep 06, 2007 Shadoen link
IMO, its not the fact that they flew them over lots of states, but the conditions in which it happened.
the military should be more careful and have more control over its nuclear arsenal.

"A B-52 bomber was MISTAKENLY armed with six nuclear warheads"

BTW...why the hell do they have so many, arent those supposed to be banned?
Sep 06, 2007 upper case link
There was a graph recently that showed up (probably on Digg... I have so many RSS feeds...) that showed how much nukes countries have.

The US had something like 9000, followed by Russia with 8000 and then the graph dropped to the hundreds for the runner up and ending with NK with a whopping 1.
Sep 06, 2007 toshiro link
Sep 06, 2007 Shapenaji link
I'd also point out that:

A) we have a treaty with russia banning transport of nukes by aircraft

B) There are conventional explosives in there as well, and the resulting explosion could send radioactive material in a wide area around the crash. (similar to the dirty bombs that our happy-rainbow alerts have warned us about)

C) We were transporting nukes, and we didn't know it!, makes it harder to get the moral highground against countries which aren't keeping track of theirs.

D) We have dumbshits like this who could be the cause of WWIII?
Sep 06, 2007 Shadoen link
anyway.....If you see the flash....DUCK AND COVER
Sep 06, 2007 look... no hands link
The vast majority of those figures don't mention that nearly ALL of the bombs we disassembled after the various nuclear disarmament treaties are setup as to be easily reassembled on demand.

Still I'd worry more about the thousands of old cobalt-60 food irradiation units laying about, often abandoned in the former soviet states. That shit's so deadly radioactive that a single gram on ya will give you a lethal dose in about 10 minutes. Dirty bombs waiting to happen, though a better delivery i guess would be via the water supply.
Sep 07, 2007 toshiro link
Better start playing the Fallout series again, to be fully trained.

"Duck and cover" made me remember.
Sep 08, 2007 JestatisBess link
This is a crazy story. I think they were stupid of course to move the nukes and especially because they didn't know they were on board.

But still no one was hurt, thank GOD. So its all go. Hopefully they take a lot better care in the future.

Sep 09, 2007 Cunjo link
The US has misplaced so many warheads it isn't even funny. flights used to be routine, and downed flights were pretty routine as well. We've dropped (unarmed) nukes all across the US, and over the seas... many of which have never been recovered.

All the fuss is just the military covering their asses... again.
Sep 10, 2007 Phaserlight link
I initially read that as "Air Force officially fired after 6 nukes fly over U.S."
Sep 10, 2007 Cunjo link
Probably because, umm... that's what it says. really.
Sep 13, 2007 mdaniel link
someone tried to sell them to someone... or they thought, what the heck, lets see if someone notices if I grab a few for me. BTW... lots of nukes got involved in "accidents" in the past. No one really knows where they went though.

So for all of you interested in this subject there is some history:

Barksdale Missile Number Six deserves far more public attention than it's received to date. Missile Number Six is potentially the major story of at least this year.

Until 1968 under the Airborne Alert Program, informally called Operation Chrome Dome, the Air Force routinely kept about a dozen strategic bombers with nuclear weapons flying at all times.

One predictable result was crashes and incidents. In 1968 the Department of Defense published a list of 13 serious nuclear weapons accidents that occurred between 1950 and 1968. In 1980 the list was revised to include 32 incidents through that year.

Notably, the Pentagon has not acknowledged any accidents since 1980. This alone highlights the importance the Pentagon is placing on the recent transportation of nuclear weapons from North Dakota to Louisiana.

Through 1968, several reported incidents involved plane crashes or malfunctions, beginning with the crash of a B-29 near Fairfield, California in August 1950. The resulting blast was felt 30 miles away.

In July 1950 a B-50 crashed near Lebanon, Ohio. The high-explosive trigger for the nuclear weapon detonated on impact. The blast was felt over 25 miles away.

In May 1957 a nuclear weapon fell from the bomb bay of a B-36 near Albuquerque, New Mexico. Parachutes malfunctioned and the weapon was destroyed on impact.

In October 1957 near Homestead, Florida a B-47 crashed. The nuclear weapon was burned.

In March 1958 a B-47 accidentally dropped a nuclear weapon near Florence, South Carolina. The high-explosive trigger detonated on impact.

In November 1958 a B-47 crashed near Abilene, Texas. The trigger of the nuclear weapon exploded upon impact.

In July 1959 a C-124 crashed near Bossier City, Louisiana. Both plane and nuclear weapon were destroyed.

In October 1959 a B-52 with two nuclear weapons was involved in a mid-air collision near Hardinsburg, Kentucky. One weapon partially burned.

In January 1961 a B-52 broke apart in mid-air near Goldsboro, North Carolina. Two nuclear weapons were released. The parachute on one weapon malfunctioned, and contamination was spread over a wide area. The uranium core was never recovered. Daniel Ellsberg reported that detonation was a very real risk because five of six safety devices failed.

In that month near Monticello, Idaho a B-52 carrying nuclear weapons exploded in mid-air. No information was made available as to the weapons.

In March 1961 a B-52 with two nuclear weapons crashed near Yuba City, California.

In January 1964 a B-52 carrying two nuclear weapons crashed near Cumberland, Maryland.

In January 1966 a B-52 carrying four hydrogen bombs crashed after a mid-air collision near Palomares, Spain. Two weapons exploded on impact, with resulting plutonium contamination. A months-long program was undertaken to locate and extract the other two weapons from the ocean. Major policy changes were taken under consideration.

In January 1968 a B-52 carrying four hydrogen weapons crashed and burned near Thule AFB in Greenland. Explosives in one bomb detonated, spreading plutonium contamination. Apparently, the other three weapons have never been accounted for.

Following large public protests Denmark, which owns Greenland and prohibits nuclear weapons on or over its territory, filed a strong protest. A few days later the Secretary of Defense ordered the removal of nuclear weapons from planes. After that order was issued, all aircraft armed with nuclear weapons were grounded but kept in a constant state of alert.

In 1991 by Presidential order, nuclear weapons were removed from all aircraft. Bomber nuclear ground alerts, during which nuclear weapons are loaded onto bombers during test and training exercises, were halted. After that time, all nuclear weapons to be delivered by plane were permanently maintained in secure storage facilities.
Sep 14, 2007 yodaofborg link
As a none US folk, I dunno how to reply to this thread.

From outside looking in I have thought of a few things, "Oh look at us, we are the US, we are flying nukes about and telling folk about it" ??? WTF ??? HUH ??? Don't like you lot do this anyways? So like, why tell folk about it?

Well, whatever...
Sep 14, 2007 Shadoen link
dunno what you mean yoda, but, im not a US folk either, so...RIGHT ON..
Sep 14, 2007 upper case link
What I find surprising in that is that they were not (purposely) doing it, but I always assumed they did.

In Canada, whenever a police officer pulls out his gun (even without firing), it makes the news. So, I'd be totally shocked to learn a nuke flew over our land. Just not in the states.
Sep 14, 2007 SCAR Bank link
This is why Canada >> USA

There is still a fully operational RTG containing approximately 4 kg of weapons-grade plutonium in the Tonga Trench, for whomever finally decides to recover it...

Not that it means much when Russia has them lying all across their country on pallets and in crates.
Sep 14, 2007 look... no hands link
yea as bad as it may seem, its nothing compared to what happened when the CCCP collapsed. i remember about 9 years ago on the history channel they said the Russians are missing a couple TONS of plutonium.

"In Canada, whenever a police officer pulls out his gun (even without firing), it makes the news"

thats cause you guys are french