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360 holo display

Sep 04, 2007 Shadoen link

EDIT: ty rogue
Sep 04, 2007 roguelazer link

(without the extra spaces)

Also, just a url with whitespace around it will get hyperlinked.
Sep 04, 2007 Cunjo link
That's badass.
Sep 05, 2007 toshiro link
Neato. Although, the comment on the danger of the whirring mirror is slightly idiotic, sicne this could be solved with a bowl put over it made of acrylic glass... no idea if that would seriously tamper with the rays, though. Shape would probably know.
Sep 05, 2007 Shadoen link
well, at first sight, I didnt know it worked using those fast spinning mirrors, until i saw the video and read the information. Anyone else who doesnt know better would think its just there floating in midair kinda prjected from below and that it would be cool to move their hands through it.
Though, they do have it inside a glass display.
Sep 21, 2007 Fnugget link
Depends on the bowl. I doubt acrylic glass has a index of refraction of 1, so it would bend it. That's uhh, why they used a box.