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ok im calling you out

Aug 26, 2007 ananzi link
dr lecter, you said i cannot get my 'bar' up.

then someone else told me to 'stfu'.

now, i could talk about your mom, and so forth and so on. but instead,
im going to post this off topic thread about all the verbal abuse that goes on in this game.

now there are many reasons why this is a problem.

but the number one reason we need to stop is this?

we need to attract more women to play the game. calling each other 'fag', etc, is not going to accomplish that. we need to grow up a little.

Aug 26, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
First, I'm offended and concerned by your sexist post. You imply that all women are somehow uniquely off-put by foul language because of their gender. Such biased assumptions clearly reveal you as a misogynistic relic.

Second, the rest of us can score IRL. Thus, the gender demographics of VO are irrelevant to us.


Aug 27, 2007 look... no hands link
Changing the language used on 100 won't change a damn thing. I've never been a woman so I really have no idea if women are generally more put off by foul language then men. However there is a chat filter that works quite well. Even better is that it is enabled by default.
Aug 28, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
Gee, so much for a call out.
Aug 28, 2007 upper case link
Sep 01, 2007 spectre_c_me link
It took me 2 times of watching that video to realize that the first guy was holding fish as well.

It took me 3 times of watching the video to realize that you just posted the same link for each of those... >.<
Sep 01, 2007 upper case link
it's only one, multi-line link. it would have been obvious if vo's site would tinker with visited link color.

i'm merely pointing out the sissyness of the original argument. by both parties.
Sep 02, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
uc, if your thick skull was impervious to the sarcasm (what are the odds that gender bias, or much else for that matter, would 'offend or concern' me?) in my first post in this thread, I think the best thing for the human race would be for you to remove yourself, and any progeny you may have produced, from the gene pool.

Also, my argument is clearly analogous to the bigger fish.
Sep 02, 2007 upper case link
Too late for the gene pool. My kids are lively and quite healthy.

You're both children in a tantrum. Grow up. Stop the name calling, the insults and the useless abrasive behavior. You are polluting the boards.
Sep 02, 2007 toshiro link
upper case, you better not join their mudfight. You'll get dirty, as well.
Sep 02, 2007 look... no hands link
UC, they seem to enjoy slinging mud back and fourth. I say let them, it's entertaining at the least.
Sep 02, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
Yes, clearly I'm out of control and in a tantrum because ananzi has angered me beyond rational thought.

It couldn't be that I find this an amusing use of some of my spare time, no.
Sep 03, 2007 toshiro link
One could argue that you are in a constant tantrum, Lecter. How else would we explain the insults that permeate your every sentence?
Sep 03, 2007 Syylk link

Permanent ones.
Sep 03, 2007 Shadoen link
XD lol
Sep 04, 2007 spectre_c_me link

I do miss Vedetta's Life...
Sep 12, 2007 ananzi link
"stop the name calling, the insults and the useless abrasive behavior."

i would, except i didnt do any of that stuff.
Sep 13, 2007 mdaniel link
you guys have NOTHING to do, really....
Sep 13, 2007 Waldoze link
I personally believe that ananzi was doing the rest of VO a sevice by posting this in the off-topic section. This is my first visit to this section of the forums and with poorly worded/formatted posts like this, it will be my last. At least Lecter is articulate in his arguments, insults, and general discourse.


P.S. We don't need more women, we have Miharu! hahahahahahahaha
Sep 14, 2007 toshiro link
Ohnoes, you won't ever visit the OT forum again.

Mark me up as devastated.