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Cowboy Leg Beautiful Pole, it's what's for dinner.

Jul 30, 2007 Cunjo link
Jul 31, 2007 mr bean link
lol, every form rape? what the hell kind of food is that suppoded to be?
Jul 31, 2007 Cunjo link

prepared any way you want it, apparently.

Perhaps someone who actually understands the language can translate some of those other ones :P
Jul 31, 2007 Whistler link
"Rapeseed leaves and stems are also edible, similar to those of the related bok choy or kale. Some varieties of rapeseed (called ÓͲË, y¨®u c¨¤i, lit. "oil vegetable" in Chinese; yu choy in Cantonese; and ²Ë¤Î»¨, nanohana in Japanese) are sold as greens, primarily in Asian groceries."
Jul 31, 2007 Shadoen link
Thats one helluva long menu!
Aug 06, 2007 toshiro link
²Ë¤Î»¨, is it. I had to look it up in my kanji dictionary to actually find out what it means. I didn't know that plant was called 'rape' in english... incidentally, the plant called rape is 'natane' in Japanese.
Sep 07, 2007 Whistler link
Sep 07, 2007 upper case link
I dont see what the fuss is about really. I once dated a chinese girl and her mother would always serve me steamed crap.
Sep 09, 2007 toshiro link
Hmm. This 'official' list is actually interesting from another point of view besides the chinese image, since it could mean a means of standardization not only for the olympics in China, but also for asian restaurants around the world.
Oct 21, 2007 Lord~spidey link
hehehe this is related btw its a .pps file im working on making a .gif one :);8853382;/fileinfo.html