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Ubuntu - Christian Edition!

Jul 29, 2007 moldyman link

When I first saw it, I was like "wah". It's a wiki after all, easily changed and a host for many nerdy pranks, despite what the pranksters think. But apparently it's serious.

Main site

Funny facts, brought to you by Christian bloggers
Jul 29, 2007 MSKanaka link
"And on the eighth day (the first day of the next work week), He created Linux because he didn't have anything better to do"?
Jul 29, 2007 moldyman link
By that reckoning Linus Trovalds is a dirty liar! Unless...

He's the savior reincarnate from 10,000 years ago! O_O
Jul 31, 2007 Skyfox link
That shalt have no other OS but Linux.

Heh, what would they change? Its not like the OS has explicatives used for its menu bar items... or does it?
Jul 31, 2007 avirulence link
There's a bible reader in there. And some other stuff, there was also a rumour that Daemons had been renamed to something more friendly-sounding, but I don't think that's true.
Aug 17, 2007 iTripped link
uh, you do realize there is also a Muslim edition of Ubuntu as well, don't you?

The best part: it's called UbuntuME.

more info here:
Aug 18, 2007 moldyman link
Yeah, take a gander at the pic I posted :)
Aug 18, 2007 MSKanaka link
He knows already. From #vendetta:

[23:47] <Miharu> iTripped, you realise the "Ubuntu Muslim Edition" was in the image moldy posted? :P
[23:48] <iTripped> hell no Miharu - that implies I carefully read the post