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Official ACE IQ Test

Jul 14, 2007 look... no hands link
heh i got this one right for the wrong reason

29. Which letter comes next in this series of letters?

B A C B D C E D F ?


i changed the letters to numbers
then broke them into groups of two
21 32 43 54 6
i added them to get
3 5 7 9 __ so i subtracted 6 from 11 and got 5 wich corrisponds to E

also on that mensa workout i missed every one wherne you have to manipulate the words or add things to the beginning, but i got everything else, language was never my strength
Jul 14, 2007 Surbius link
This is what I saw when I tried to solve it.

B (-1) A (+2) C (-1) B (+2) D (-1) C (+2) E (-1) D (+2) F (-1) E
Jul 14, 2007 moldyman link
B A C B D C E D F ?



'tis the way I saw it.
Jul 14, 2007 mr bean link

nice score spidey.
Jul 14, 2007 Lord~spidey link
you being sarcastic or serious
Jul 14, 2007 Lord~spidey link
dude i have not slept for 32 hours
its 12:30 and i had a can of red bull an intense mach of exxesive and i scored 146 :P but its lame cause its the same questions i wanna try a new one to see if im really not a total moron
go find cunjo go go

in about 2 hours a will shut down ZZZzzzZzZzz
Jul 15, 2007 Cunjo link
I just thought of that one as a dual-threaded pattern...



At which point it becomes clear that the next letter in sequence would be E, followed by G, etc...

The only one that didn't make much sense to me was the cow question.
Jul 15, 2007 MSKanaka link
I think that question was a "can you guarantee that at least 400 of the other cows are all-blue". The answer to that question at least is "no", because you only know that 400 of the cows are all-red, but you know nothing about the other 800 in the 1200-cow herd, as far as specific amounts go.
Jul 15, 2007 Surbius link
There are some questions on there that don't make a lick of sense in mathematics.
Jul 15, 2007 mr bean link
this thing sucks at sarcasm.

spidey, when i took it i had just gotten off a 12 hour flight and hadnt slept for around 2 days and i still got 137.
Jul 15, 2007 jexkerome link
Isn't the official rating for "idiot" a 79 or below?

Averaging all the IQ tests I've taken on the Internet (about 20 or 30 so far), my IQ is 145. It can go as high as 177 when it's mostly math, and as low as 111 when doing those "like is like" questions. So I tend to assume I'm closer to 111 than 145.
Jul 15, 2007 Lord~spidey link
i would not base my intelligence on this simple test i took

only an idiot would do that :P
Jul 16, 2007 toshiro link
Whistler said it best.
Aug 08, 2007 rich70734 link
I.Q. of a cucumber!!!! Go me!
Aug 08, 2007 rhapsody link
I have advanced beyond all that you can comprehend with one hundred percent of your brain.
Aug 16, 2007 break19 link
>>Eeeek! Mouse?! Where?!
>>But seriously, we ask but one question.
>>What is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything?

Aug 18, 2007 Shapenaji link
heh, 154!

So if I do well at something culturally biased and stupid... what does that make me... hmm...
Aug 21, 2007 Katarn link
146, but I didn't answer a qestion :/
Aug 21, 2007 Shapenaji link
Heh, shows how smart you are :)
Sep 01, 2007 spectre_c_me link
Not that i really believe this, but at 19 i got 134