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Soul Savage

Jul 08, 2007 Cunjo link

Still a work in progress, more to come.

The Worklog
Jul 09, 2007 toshiro link
Jul 09, 2007 Cunjo link
It's a shitty camera; it has none.
Jul 09, 2007 toshiro link

Okay. What kind of computer is this, anyway? It's not a mac...
Jul 09, 2007 Surbius link
No duh it's not a Mac... it actually looks good. ;)

Anyway, Intel, SLI board but one vga..., 2 IDEs, it looks good in both appearance and specs.

Hope it stays that way.
Jul 09, 2007 genka link
Not in those pictures it doesn't!
Jul 09, 2007 LeberMac link
Alright, Cunjo, what video card is that?
Jul 09, 2007 Surbius link
Doesn't it state a 8800 GTS on the link?

I see that meaty heat-sink and fan just underneath it taking up a expansion slot. Although I can't tell what maker and specs are on it.

Maybe 640MB or the 320MB?
Jul 09, 2007 LeberMac link
O I missed the link. Yeah, it looked like my 8800GTS. I have the 320 MB version, and I really really really really like it.

Cunjo's is red, mine is blue. I think there's something subliminal going on here...

Jul 09, 2007 Cunjo link
It's the EVGA 8800GTS 320MB. If they release the new card sometime in the next 3 months, I'm going to step up to GTX.

It runs really hot though... close to 52 C at idle, and I can only imagine how hot it would run under load. I'm probably going to end up fitting a Zalman GPU cooler to the card, unless I switch to LC and get it a good water block.

The specs are in the link if you want to see them. I'll probably update that with *FULL* system specs later on, from Monitor to UPS unit... but first I have some more assembling to do, and also overclocking... DEFINITELY going to need a water block to OC the GPU, but that Zalman is keeping the CPU at or below 28 C under 100% load right now, so I have plenty of overclocking room.

I just installed Windows XP Professional Corporate Edition and the driver software on it last night. Not going to worry about installing anything beyond testing and benchmarking stuff on it right now, since I get the rest of my HDDs in a week, and then I'll need to wipe the current one to build the RAID array.

The white CD-ROM drive, keyboard and mouse are only temporary (pulled them from an old machine for testing purposes), and I get a DVD-R/W|CD-R/W drive, G15 keyboard and laser gaming mouse in a week along with the HDs.

Still waiting on the Arctic Cooling MX-1 Thermal Compound... had to buy it on ebay since NOBODY had any in stock... anywhere.
Jul 09, 2007 Scuba Steve 9.0 link
What kind of crazed, subhuman barbarian only has one monitor?
Jul 09, 2007 The Shedu link
You wanna move that thing, before someone trips over a cable and pokes their eye out with those scissors?!?!?
Jul 09, 2007 look... no hands link
care to try a thermo electric cooler? ive made them from wire scraps at my work (i make thermocouples). however youde be best off buying something like this.
Jul 10, 2007 Cunjo link
The kind without an extra $300 to blow at the moment.

It is a nice, big monitor, though.

If anyone is breaking into my house, they deserve to have their eye poked out...

LNH, any thermoelectric cooler efficient enough to keep my heavy OC'd E6600 as cool as that Zalman does probably isn't worth the money.
Jul 10, 2007 Cunjo link
By the way... I'm currently Orthos-testing a 3300MHz overclock on that 2.4 GHz Conroe E6600 Dual Core.
Jul 10, 2007 toshiro link
Shedu: Or those who do not have enough space on their desks...
Jul 10, 2007 Cunjo link
that too.

3300MHz crashed during hour 3 of the 4-hour stress test... trying 3250 now, since I don't want to overvolt the processor above the recommended 1.35v.
Jul 10, 2007 Surbius link
You know overclocking will just shorten the life of the computer hence needing a new one sooner that you want to pay for.
Jul 10, 2007 look... no hands link
you wouldent use just the TEC youde use that in addition to the heatsink and fan, just instead of the normal mounting system for the heatsink youde used thermal glue. the cooler you can keep the hot side of the TEC the cooler the cold side is. also your cooler shoudl be able to cool the tec more efficientley than the cpu as the tec has more surface area to dissipate the heat to the heatsink. Actually a 56 watt TEC can cause condensation at times.
Jul 10, 2007 Lord~spidey link
cunjo i dont see why you need overclockin already you have a very powerfull processor i only overclock when my computer starts to lag behind the competition now its lagged out far far behind but i dare not clock it more its an AMD athlon xp 1GHz right now its running at 2.4+ i upped the voltage a bit for stability from 12v to 13v it still runs about 5 celsius above room temp

its 5 years old and its been clocked for 3 years

in short dont overclock till you need it all your apps and games will run great on what you have now i just dont see the point :)