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Yep, poor game never saw the light.
We're just SO surprised. >_>
I'm still waiting on my copy of Dance Dance Space Bass Fishing 2007 :(
we all are scuba we all are.
That game is not really dead, it's just being relocated to Nigeria and retooled as a 419 scam simulator. You'll be able to trick stupid westerners into giving you their monies, and if you're really good you can convince them into flying over so you can kidnap them, rob them, kill them, and/or sell them off as slaves to Sudanese warlords.
GTA somolia looks hilarious i laughed so hard i actually had tears streaming down my face
The guy in the wheelbarrow is missing essential parts.
He was actually just in a fight where he was hit by a RPG and his intestine plus essential parts are in the wheelbarrow with him while he is hyped up on some local narcotic. The narcotic is also to blame why he is in such a predicament with him pulling the trigger too soon and shooting himself with the RPG, hence there being no rocket in his launcher.
I nearly hexploded when I saw the title of this thread....I was afraid you meant APB or GTA IV
that was the whole point smittens ;)
Whats APB?
Whats APB?
I'm still waiting for Gravy Trader.