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message in a bottle

Jul 04, 2007 Cunjo link
if someone breaks out singing Sting in this thread, I'll kill em.
Jul 06, 2007 LeberMac link
I assume this had something to do with the bottle I received, but looks like upper case's original post has mysteriously disappeared!!

Jul 06, 2007 upper case link
yeah. i killed it because it's only purpose was to trigger a *ping* to you. i was worried you hadn't received it. wich you hadn't. then did.

ok folks. might as well tell you what this is about.

lonnng ago, lebermac and mogul made a bet. i seriously don't remember what it was all about but it felt like a safe bet for me. i lost. as per the bet, i was to send leebs a bottle of tequila, and promptly did.

this was shortly after last year's "liquid" hoax/scare in airplanes (like a week or so after).

sent via canada post, the bottle i had sent him came back to me from usps (through canada post) labeled as "undeliverable" by the u.s. customs. an enquiry about this revealed that no liquids were to be sent via usps anymore. damnit.

i waited a couple of weeks to figure out what to do and decided to ship it via private courrier: ups. they refused. same motives.

a couple weeks later, i tried purolater. same shit.

pissed, i went to fedex. they're frankly one of the rare companies out there that i truly believe the world would be fucked without. they refused still, claiming government regulations.

by that time, the bottle was a few months late to leebermac's place. then i thought... i'm going to apple's developer conference in may... in california... so i decided to wait some more and actually bring the bottle with me, checked in my luggage (just to show this liquid scare is horse shit). i had enquired a friend of mine (wich works for usps) and he had assured me the bottle would be deliverable within the continental us.

it wasn't. the lady at the usps counter (under the macy's in san francisco) shrieked in horror when i revealed the content. such bullshit.

then, fedex within us also wouldn't take it. fuck.

it was either me driving 1500kms to bring the fucking bottle to leebs or... else...

lebermac received the bottle yesterday. yep. mailed from canada. he receive it. the bottle... in wich was a hand-written note that said: we sure had a hell of a time!! --mogul and a url pointing to this.

i have a couple of pics of leebs with the bottle. i'll link them tonight.
Jul 06, 2007 jexkerome link
Heh, the terrorists are getting their arse kicked in the battlefield, but within Fortress America they are winning.
Jul 06, 2007 LeberMac link
Jul 06, 2007 upper case link
Jul 06, 2007 jexkerome link
AaaagH! I'm sideways!!!

Oh wait, it's the pic.

Never mind.
Jul 06, 2007 upper case link
it depends on your browser. the image contained rotate tags wich some browsers dont interpret.

i flipped it, for you decoder-impaired!

new images:

deception sets in.
message in the bottle.