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Once again, help needed

Jun 28, 2007 moldyman link
I finally got that server. A Dell PowerEdge for a good price. Anyway, I need help setting up the server. Either linux or Windows Server 2003 is fine, as long as I get a ton of help for either.

It will be a web server mostly, as well as an ftp server (unless I can transfer files more easily via http). It would also have to be remotely accessible as for some definitely-not-short periods of time, I won't be able to type nicely on it's keyboard.
Jun 28, 2007 roguelazer link
A linux server (with SSH, apache, and pure-ftpd) should serve you just fine. Erm, perhaps look to CentOS as your distro.
Jun 28, 2007 LeberMac link
Don't look to me for lotsa help setting everything up, but... I agree with RL, find a linux/apache/php/mysql setup that you like.

I'm pretty sure you won't be happy with a Win2K3 solution.
Jun 28, 2007 upper case link
easy! just choose your distro!
Jun 28, 2007 roguelazer link
Actually, LiveCD distros tend to be very bad at server stuff...
Jun 28, 2007 upper case link
i was being sarcastic.

i find the over-abundance of linux distros overwhelming and a source of amusement whenever Linux pundits rant about Vista being available in 7 flavors.

at least, most linux distros are free.

since you mention livecd being so-so as a source of decent server distros, wich would you recommend?

(my boss would love to hear me talk about oracle unbreakable linux but that's not very free...)
Jun 29, 2007 moldyman link
Curious though, would linux be able to run ASP.NET code? If not, I'd be learning javascript regardless, but it'd save the pain if it could.