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Lecter being sued

Jun 18, 2007 genka link
Jun 18, 2007 moldyman link
Jun 18, 2007 Retsmah link
Jun 18, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
Haha, I was wondering if this would get picked up.

Sorry to disappoint, but my monikers aren't named as defendants ;) However, I did watch with glee as hilarity ensued (no pun intended) on XOXO that evening... and yeah, I called the clerk of the court's office first thing Monday morning to see if it was flame. Pretty amazing when told it was really filed :D
Jun 19, 2007 Surbius link
Wouldn't you want to call it a lesson?
Jun 19, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
Uh, no. The guy who co-admined that board (Anthony 'GTO' Ciolli, U. Penn Law, '07) had his offer of permanent employment revoked by his firm when they were pressured to not be associated with it. I have absolutely NO interest in having the same happen to me.

The point of this suit, likewise, is not to win or force a settlement: it's all about abuse of the discovery process to reveal defendants' IRL names. The plaintiffs know that they'll never win because most of their claims are barely strong enough to survive a motion to dismiss for failure to even allege a cause of action (i.e. the complaint, even if taken as gospel, still doesn't claim the defendants did any legal wrong/harm to plaintiffs). But if they can "out" the posters named by moniker in the complaint, those people's legal careers will be effectively destroyed. By filing the lawsuit, they can use the subpoena power of the Federal District Court to do that: it may only fail because XOXO has always been rabid about not requiring a real e-mail or keeping any IP records at all.

So, it's a lesson in the many ways one can try to abuse the discovery power. Additionally, it's a lesson in punitive filing of a meritless claim: anyone of the named defendants currently applying to pass the Bar (many of them, probably) is under an obligation to reveal to the Character & Fitness committee the details of any suit in which they're a named party. That's gonna lead to some nasty scrutiny if not an outright DING! But beyond that, it's a mere 'thank god I didn't wind up in that mess.
Jun 19, 2007 Surbius link
Well besides that forum Lecter but what about this one?

From what you just stated about subpoena abuse then it could be applied here too and with your outstanding record both in-game and out of game your actions can be linked to the above case if not as a antagonist but as a similar person with intent of harm.

But what do I know...
Jun 19, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
Um, Surb, the difference is that my actions here are in a game and I don't spew RL racist/sexist epithets on VO channels. Nothing, and I mean nothing, that I've posted or typed in VO would cause me to worry about C&F or my firm.

Insulting n00bs over grammar is just the sort of anal retentiveness law firms love. It's the use of the N-word, threats of "hate fucking feminists" and spreading false rumors re: a law student's LSAT score that can get you in trouble by means of extra-legal sanctions.


[EDIT]Wait a tic, your garbled words are actually suggesting that the XOXO plaintiffs could discover my real ID here, take my actions as Dr. Lecter, and then somehow add me into the XOXO suit, despite having done nothing over there, because... I'm sorta the same here as the defendants are there? That's so mindbogglingly stupid I can't begin to reply.[/EDIT]
Jun 20, 2007 Surbius link
@Lecter: Then I guess those past RPs about kidnapping and rape don't count.
Jun 20, 2007 upper case link
that's just rp.

for akan's sake, it'd be gitmo-ed if my attempt to blow up a wormhole was any indication of my personal (and real) life.
Jun 20, 2007 Surbius link
Perhaps you're right and I may have failed to see that.

It is just RP but when someone constantly uses similar actions as a character and seems to enjoy doing so. Then how would you perceive someone like that?

The wormhole event was actually the death of that character but our Dr.Lecter here just keeps on doing the same thing over and over. Almost has if he loves it.
Jun 21, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
Uh Surb, you were here for a very limited portion of the character arc of Dr. Lecter. While Lecter's always been evil, there were very few of his actions that fall into the really reprehensible realm: the Miharu "rape" is probably the only one, but perhaps the Vionka Velaio torture-murder as well.

As to the first, it was worked out with the other player involved before and during the RP, and I did it with the intent of making the character of Dr. Lecter hated and feared by the Itani. I'd say it worked pretty well, since you're still bitching about it. Not to mention the whole "TRIAL OF DR. LECTER" thing that was RPed in-game. On a personal level, while it was uncomfortable to actually RP that sort of content with another player, on a much more abstract level it was interesting to consider the intersection of freedom to contract ex ante and its impact, if any, on one's fundamental rights further on down the road. So I found a concept that lead up to the RP event you keep harping on to be intellectually amusing. If it makes you feel any better, while I wouldn't be above having a future character commit such an act (though I'm in no real hurry, it's theoretically possible), it would definitly be written solo and non-described, as I, again personally, found that part just plain "Ick."

As to the second, it was written a little more grahically than most RP deaths, but was in keeping with Lecter's neverending attempts to terrorize Mogul Velaio and his line.

Everything else Lecter did is pretty normal, either for a character named "Dr. Lecter" or in the context of a kill-or-be-killed space RPG game.

Moreover, if I-the player behind Lecter-really enjoyed RPing those particular action so, why'd I lay Lecter to rest by RPing him off into Akanese space and deleting the character? Trakus Shar, on the other hand, while violent, has done nothing morally wrong in his time in VO.

You, sir, are a moron.
Jun 21, 2007 Surbius link
And you, sir, are blind in one eye.
Jun 23, 2007 ShadeT link
And in the land of the blind, the one-eyed is the king.
Jun 23, 2007 Scuba Steve 9.0 link
Actually, in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man gets beaten to death with stones.
Jun 23, 2007 softy2 link
Oh noes! Am I going to be persecuted for being a vengeful Serial Murderer?

Better save up for the lawyer fees...
Jun 23, 2007 Surbius link
He of the eye, but he did not see far enough.