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Last Sopranos Ep. (spoilers)

Jun 13, 2007 ShankTank link
What do you think? My reasoning: Tony got wacked purposely in front of his entire family.

1)Cat stares at dead guy, Cat stares at Tony's empty seat. Guy who hates cat because it's creeping him out-Guy isn't sure about the whole deal. Also guy sits next to Tony's empty seat.

2)If it were a book, it would be written in third person limited omnicient to Tony, black + silence = their idea of getting whacked.

3)Everyone in the diner comes from a scene in an episode (sort of like the actors coming out to bow) also Tony eyes everyone because he's afraid.

4)In the diner there's a guy in a "members-only" jacket that's from Phil's group: he goes to the Men's room (If you've seen the God Father you probably know what that means: getting a planted gun) Also, Tony's head right before the screen goes black is faced away from the restroom and an empty seat, ideal for an upclose hit like they usually do.

5)They broke a truce and whacked Phil and above all: in front of the family. People aren't allowed to do that in the Mafia (the whacking in front of family thing). Phil's men didn't really like him but they said in the meeting "you gotta do what you gotta do." Anyways: the last thing you hear before the screen goes black is the bell ringing of the daughter coming in, so he's shot when the entire family's in the room.

Discuss, no spam or retarded messages (ei: "Duhh," "Get a life, nerd," "Why do you even need reasons? This is retarded..." "Your reasons suck (period)." or directly quoting any of the previous messages/putting them in slightly different words. Thank you.)
Jun 13, 2007 moldyman link
I have not seen the episode, nor followed the series. But a theory one of my friends has is that the mob life continues, that their life "goes on status quo" but we just don't get to see it anymore. And that the hanging suspense the viewers are left in is sort of symbolic of that. That nothing is certain in the life of a mobster, not even life.
Jun 13, 2007 MSKanaka link
Jun 13, 2007 jexkerome link
In a previous episode there's a conversation about getting whacked. One of those involved mentions something along the lines of the victim not even being able to notice it, "suddenly all would go black and silent", or something like that. IIRC Tony remembered that convo one or two eps ago. So he being killed is likely.

However, the case for things just going as normal is as equally strong, so I hereby dub Tony Soprano "Schrodinger's Mobster".
Jun 15, 2007 LeberMac link
I say Tony's dead.

The Russian that Paulie & Chris tried to kill (and then lost in the woods) in Season 2 shot him with a sniper rifle from across the street.
Jun 15, 2007 jexkerome link
I heard it was Lee Harvey Oswald 's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate, in the diner with the candlestick.
Jun 15, 2007 genka link
1) That's not how you spell "i.e."
2) That's not how you use "i.e."

also, get a life, you nerdy duuhmass. Why do you even need reasons which suck anyway? Also, a popular opinion is that it was Lee Harvey Oswals's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate, in the diner with the candlestick.