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liberate VO from running on foreign oil

Jun 12, 2007 ananzi link
as i was watching the sopranos last episode, i was very impressed with AJ's dedication to liberating this country from foreign oil and his hard work in acheiving that goal.

i think VO should do the same, and pledge that no VO servers will be run on foreign oil. only good old fashioned 100% american red blooded oil.

i dont know what to do about foreign players. i guess we can let them in, as long as they sign a loyalty pledge to uphold and defend the constitution (except in cases where it conflicts with the war on terror, the war on drugs, the war on poverty, the war on homelessness, the war on hyperactive attention deficit disorder, and the war on foul language on prime time television).

also i think they should, you know, convert to christianity, because this is a christian nation, so... but anyways.

i think this would really help VOs image in the conservative blogosphere, and our conservative leaders here like Lebermac and others would welcome it and not feel so 'outcast' as they do now by the various vile spewing liberal america haters that seem to crop up from time to time and spew their venemous bile. (it is ok, we understand they are really only upset about being ganked)
Jun 12, 2007 Himo Amasacia link
There is only one resoponce to this:-

(Or God American Dad was such a great show)
Jun 12, 2007 Whistler link
Speaking of outcasts:

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