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Well, hello there folks and folkettes.

Jun 04, 2007 forge link
I don't actually play this game, but I've been informed that a fair number of "oldies" from the EV/O/whatever else Web Boards, Disc Boards, and ASW forums are here. Immediately afterwards, he informed me that I had something of a reputation here a few years ago (2003 I believe).

After searching through some of the archives here, I feel a need to do something else besides say 'howdy' to some people I probably haven't seen online in a while, and that is to clear up some common misconceptions.

I was pretty much a token moderator on the ASW forums. My forum was Pending News and I had essentially zilch for power outside of there. I could modify karma on any forums, but all moderators had that power under the previous forum system. With the exception of one person (several of the accounts belonging to OctoberFost) I never banned a person. If I felt a person was deserving of being banned, I brought it up to the moderators of that forum and let them make a decision as I didn't feel it my place to intrude. Things such as the karma rating I had of "666" were not my doing nor was the temporary post number starting at -666 posts. Those were put in place by the person in charge of the forums for his own personal amusement. Previously I'd also been given the title of "ballerina" for the same reasons.

It would appear that a single incident was brought up multiple times here in regards to myself. While I make no argument that I can be harsh at times, I decided shortly thereafter to scramble my password to the forums and take over a year and a half off from the ASW forum community.

During the time immediately preceding and for a bit afterwards, another moderator on the forums (he was removed from his position for this among other things) had been making death threats against myself and my then significant other. While I'm not attempting to use this as an excuse for what may or may not have been seen as mistreatment of people, it contributed to my decision to have the admin remove me (IE, I asked him to remove me from my moderator position) and disable my account until I felt that I could again view the internet as a place to relax and not a place where I was acting as some sort of clown gestapo versus just being another one of the guys as I am now.

A good many other things were going on in 2003 which more than likely had me on edge as well, but I still would have been (and still am) as irreverant as always. Life has a way of doing that to you.

Of course, I welcome any and all greetings or people telling me to piss off, especially from those I've known and talked with over the years.

Jun 05, 2007 toshiro link
I remember you on the EVN boards... but I completely missed out on that incident, having left long before.

Anyway, why don't you come play VO? I think you'd like it if you liked EV...
Jun 05, 2007 forge link
I haven't played any of the EV games in quite some time. For the most part I'm rather busy with my various forms of work, doing my degree work, writing research papers, and various other things.

I think the last computer game I played was either Civ 2 or Snood if that gives you any idea of how often I play games these days. :)

I did just finish reading the backstory to this though and I must say, it's a masterful tapestry of words, words, words. My compliments to the person(s) who wrote it.
Jun 05, 2007 Whistler link
I only knew of your reputation via third (or more) -hand information, mostly in the context of being compared to you in unpleasant ways, but I always wondered if there were much more to the story. Now I know. In recent years either I have improved, or your negative reputation has softened over time.

The developers here are benevolent and cool. You should check it out. Incarnate wrote the backstory some years ago.
Jun 05, 2007 LeberMac link
Wow, worked with Ambrosia, eh? Nice. I think I posted on the ASW forums once or twice. Welcome to the VO forums, forge. Don't get outta line or that *&%$^&! Whistler will ban you in a heartbeat.

(um, I am joking. Whistler's cool.)

/me looks around nervously
Jun 05, 2007 genka link
I search for my own name all the time too.
Jun 05, 2007 zamzx zik link
forge. It's nice to see you here. I've gone and pissed people off (something that happens from time to time, it seems) So, I most likely won't be online much for awhile.
Enjoy your stay. I'm sure you'll be able to figure your way around here :)
Jun 05, 2007 Whistler link
Jun 05, 2007 vIsitor link
I remeber forge.

I most specifially remember he is rather touchy about the capitalization of his name. In fact, it was his obsession with this that lead me to capitalize the 'I' in my forum handle.
Jun 06, 2007 forge link
I'm not as touchy about it as I used to be. The events surrounding it occurred long enough ago and I've dealt with them to the point where I am relatively at ease with that point in my life. I now choose to just ignore it instead of getting in faces regarding it.

And I've been looking around here. If I have some free time in the near future I might consider seeing what those years playing the various EV games will do for me in this game.
Jun 06, 2007 toshiro link
They'll make you say "Yay, EV 3D!" (no, seriously! ;)

It is interesting, however, how quite a few people emphasize lower case letters, mostly using their own forum handles. I am one of them, though, so my perception is terribly flawed.
Jun 06, 2007 MSKanaka link
You're more touchy (or you used to be, anyway) about people calling you "toshi" for short instead of "tosh" ;)
Jun 06, 2007 toshiro link
Like forge, I have grown less touchy. I just silently grind my teeth now. :P
Jun 06, 2007 LeberMac link
Thank you for giving me a way to subtly annoy "toshi", "miha."
Jun 06, 2007 Surbius link
Yayaya, Leebs.