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EvE Online, CCP corruption, etc etc.

May 27, 2007 mr bean link
i looked around the forums there and in threads about vendetta they seem to think of it as a ripoff, but to me it looks like vendetta has been around longer, arent the earliest versions of vendetta from around 1999? the old guild site says so at the bottom of the page.and it looks like eve came out around 2003
May 27, 2007 Whistler link
If VO is a ripoff of EvE, then so are all other space-genre MMORPGs. If EvE had interesting combat I might have stayed there after the beta.
May 28, 2007 Scuba Steve 9.0 link
It gets less interesting with Titans, Whistler =/

And a quick update on how the investigations are going:

1. CCP Sharkbait seems to be in the clear, he just handled everything very sneakily because CCP isn't so great at customer service and jeez. Regarding the petition being deleted, well, see below. I don't buy Kieron's response. But then again, it can be pretty much explained with how bad CCP are at customer service.

2. I'll quote CCP Kieron directly on a few things:
Regarding deleted petitions - "It is not possible for a GM or Developer to delete petitions. Those tools quite simply, do not exist. Claims of petitions being deleted are therefore utter fabrication and completely groundless."

Regarding rigged RP events - "Following up with the results of our investigations as they come available, we would like to present the following in regards to the allegations of rigged events.

This was investigated previously, the results of which were posted here. Nothing new has been presented that merits re-opening the investigation into the events following the actions taken against the player/volunteer who violated a Non-Disclosure Agreement in regards to the Cult of Tetrimon event arc.

Concerning the allegation of event rigging in particular, the document referenced in the 'Open Letter' is not a finalized script of events, but a proposal and living document based on player interaction with the event arc. The paragraph he refers to states:

“As said earlier, we can have the ending open if allowed by you or we can stack the cards in favor of Theology Council so that we after the arc go back to a T2 status quo for the Empire, but without any Tetrimon Cult (who will be forever branded traitors of the Empire and utterly wiped out).”

In short, it simply gives CCP the option of deciding which direction to move EVE’s Prime Fiction at the end of the arc or to allow unfolding events to determine what is to follow. The claims of CCP rigging events to benefit a player, corporation or alliance are groundless." (Unfortunately, beyond the scope of the open letter, there was an issue where a (recently) defunct alliance completed a CCP event and won a horrendously expensive ship. All well and fine, except given the time it took them to complete the event and the items required- it was humanly impossible without some sort of insider information in the least. The alliance in question lost the war later on anyway.)

But then, Kieron is pretty bad with posting, well, anything.

3. Arkanon has a better explanation of the situation:
"While I can't promise to answer each and every one of your questions, I want to address these now, as they have already been discussed internally and plans made to address them.

Originally by: Andrus Delai
'Thanks for the partial reply, Arkanon. However, there are still outstanding issues regarding the incident.

1) Why was the petition requesting more information deleted?

2) Why wasn't the CEO of the Corp informed of a GM joining the Corp either before or after it happened?

It's good to hear that there was actually a reason why Sharkbait joined the Corp, however the procedure of his joining and the response to questions regarding it afterward were handled *extremely* poorly. I understand that these are not necessarily questions for IA, but they need to be answered to close this incident in a satisfactory manner.'

1: I simply haven't seen evidence of a deleted petition, sorry. I've been focusing hard on other issues that we had to investigate and report as fast as we could. As kieron said, deleting petitions is practically impossible and you'd be a fool to even try such a thing simply because to do so would put the person's job at risk of termination. I'll be more than happy to look into this as soon as I have time, please mail us and include the character names of the players involved,

2: As the joining of a corporation by a developer or GM is only done when there is an petitioned issue that requires our presence within the corporation and due to the fact that an EVEmail is automatically sent when the dev/GM leaves, our take on it was that this was not a big problem. That's certainly been disproved and from now on, any staff memebr needing to join a corporation in such a way will send an EVEmail to the corporation, announcing his presence and his intentions to the corporation. Hopefully that will ensure that such an innocent and insignificant issue does not take on such gargantuan proportions again.

Thank you all for your input,

CCP Arkanon"