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Savage betrayal

May 16, 2007 Ion link
I've just been bitterly betrayed by my (possible) second favourite indy game, when the devs of Savage 2 today stated that in-game persistent items will be available for purchase with real-world currency.

Please, devs, restore my belief in humanity in general and small alternative gaming companies in particular by promising that VO will NEVER prostitute itself for a few measly third millenium coin...
May 16, 2007 Cunjo link
May 16, 2007 upper case link
i would gladly pay for a pre-nerf rune.
May 16, 2007 Ion link
Well, a small victory has been won, in that the purchasable content has been removed only a few hours after it's inclusion, due to our rabid criticism ;-)

On the other hand, me, and the other beta tester who complained received a public scolding from the devs, which wasn't really directed at us at all. Very confusing business, this drama in the Savage 2 forums.

In either case, I received this nice comment from the head dev:
"I'm not going to apologize to anyone because I did not direct my comment at anyone in particular. I directed it towards a group of forum users who jumped to conclusions about the impact this would have on the game with no real knowledge of how items play a role in the game. YOU, Ayjona, however, pointed out in a very direct manner that you were concerned about aforementioned whiners and how it will impact the game's ability to be marketed and sold to THAT group. That communication impacted my decision to remove them for the sake of our community (and of course ability to sell and profit from sales of Savage 2"

So, if there are any Savage fans here, rest easy. S2 have again (and very speedily at that) moved up to being my second favourite indy gaming company again. They are almost as good at listening to their fans as Guild (and the two companies remind me of each other in many ways), and that is no small thing ;-)
May 16, 2007 zamzx zik link
Guild wouldn't have done it in the first place, IMHO.

Also, they seem to be more concerned about fun then money. But I guess that comes with time, eh? ; )
May 16, 2007 Ion link
Oh, my god, zamx zik, are you implying the creators of games such as WoW are more concerned with money than fun? Heresy!

That's like... that is sorta like... well, that's along the lines of saying oil sheiks are more about the money than the well-being of our planet, or that big record company people are more focused on selling records that promoting new, interesting artists.

My world is reeling from the cultural shock of merely even considering this idea.

(But yeah, Guild REALLY, REALLY seems extremely focused on the fun, sometimes even to the exclusion of the money. I love it.)