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Let's Eliminate these Selected Colleges!

May 10, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
May 10, 2007 roguelazer link
UC Berkeley or Berklee School or Music?

Or is there some school named "Berkley" out there?
May 10, 2007 mgl_mouser link
I think Berkley is right between Arvared and Camp Bridge.
May 11, 2007 LeberMac link
If Lecter means UC-Berkeley, I'm there with my multiple-Redeemer-launcher. Maybe Nancy Pelosi's house will suffer collateral damage.
May 11, 2007 moldyman link
May 11, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
BYU is credited, but I think Liberty U. is a better choice. Anyone suggesting Bob Jones University be stricken from existance will get 1 shiny cu of samoflange.
May 11, 2007 Skyfox link
"BYU is credited, but I think Liberty U. is a better choice. Anyone suggesting Bob Jones University be stricken from existance will get 1 shiny cu of samoflange."

Boys walk on the blue sidewalks, girls walk on the pink ones...

Yeah, lets get rid of it.
May 11, 2007 RattMann link
Dr. Lecter and LeberMac are Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz neo-cons??
May 11, 2007 Whistler link
UC Berkeley isn't nearly as liberal / radical as it once was. Do the tree-sitters make national news? I think most of the locals agree they're just "dirty hippies".

May 11, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
While I won't speak for Leebs, RattMann, I can safely say I'm not a Bush supporter.

He's far too moderate for my tastes.
May 12, 2007 RattMann link
HaHaHa Doctor.
May 12, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
Oh, I'm deadly serious about that. :) The man's an obnoxious bleeding-heart christian, rather than, say, Cheney... who I trust to look after our Nation's interests with Bismarck-Like zeal and ruthlessness.
May 12, 2007 smittens link
You're Christian Lecter? I find that kinda surprising. Where did you grow up?
May 12, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
What part of my post stated or implied I'm Christian? That's something I consider to be one of Bush's faults, actually: it leads to him making decisions as poorly as "universal human rights" bleeding heart liberals.

I myself am a deist.

[Edit] I suppose I should clarify: Cheney may well be Christian, but if so, he treats it more as part of his public persona (a la the Roman approach to religiosity) than as the ultimate lodestar for his decisional processes (a la Bush II). I view Cheney as a man who would put American interests first when prioritizing goals and deciding how to pursue them. I've come to see Bush II as a man who, despite some incidental philosophical intersections with "conservative" (most would say "neo-con" to express the viewpoint of which I speak here) approaches to leading America, has a religion-based vision of how the world should work and is willing to sacrifice the Nation's best interests to further his vision. Of course one could argue that pursuit of any such vision--Christian, environmentalist, or bizarre human rights-based--is always going to further the "best interests" of our country. I myself think that our leaders should be wearing WWBD? bracelets, however: 'What Would Bismarck Do?" [/Edit]
May 12, 2007 Whistler link
Apparently Cheney goes to a Methodist church, though he's not a member.