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Apr 24, 2007 Lord~spidey link
yup im boned ths is it im moving my files and backem em up and im off to ubuntu WeEeEeEeEe i hope this time the new version will not explode the nvidia driver and after that kill the sound drivers indeed that would suck but its all ig got for now until i learn more commands and how to use terminal better

if anybody can point me to some Windows to ubuntu help then i would be happy oh so happy so far ubuntu is qorking great with the exception of 3d acceleration with no drivers im sitting on my ass but everything will come with time
Apr 24, 2007 Lord~spidey link
*grumble* stupid windoze disk errors
Apr 24, 2007 trav link
Lord Spidey, I went through this process about 5 months ago and I've never looked back.

Lord Spidey, go to this site in your lovely new ubuntu install:


Download Envy and follow the instructions for installing it, then run it as instructed. It will detect, install and mostly configure your so you have the correct drivers and beautiful working 3D.

Following that, with ubuntu, Google and are your friend. I would advise doing the search through google rather than the ubuntuforums search facility because the forums search facility is pants, just a vBulletin forum with an absolute shitload of users and forums.

Ubuntu is odd after playing with windows, but use the Force and get through it. It does actually make a lot of sense if you just trust to the idea that somewhere, somehow, your ubuntu system will do everything you ask of it, if only you ask the right way.

The one thing you have to be careful of is when is updated. At that point, its ok to be scared, because you have every right to be. What usually happens to me is that I get an error saying that 'Screens were found but none in a usable configuration.'

Using your spacebar and arrow keys, work your way through the various dialogues and when you hit the end of them, press CTRL+ALT+F3.

Use your usual login and password and you will find yourself with a full screen shell.

Type sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf and supply your password when prompted. Linux is a case sensitive operating system, so make sure you use a capital X in the X11.

Use the down arrow to move to the section which is called 'Section "Device"' and change the driver name (which should be "nvidia" to either "vesa" or "vga". I find vesa works best for me, but vga might do it for you.

Press CTRL+o to save (answer yes at the prompt) and CTRL+X to exit.

From there, type sudo shutdown -r now

You may or may not be asked for a password. What that command does there is broadcasts a message to all other users of the computer that the system is going down, then boots off. The -r in the command tells the computer to restart after its shut down. The 'now' component is obvious.

When the computer starts up again, you should at the very least have a GUI to use to help you run what you need to. What you need to do then is run Envy again, it will download and configure your nvidia drivers to work with your new X system. You can also run Envy from the command line providing its installed already, but using the above process is a very useful, particularly from a learning perspective.

And considering that I typed all of that from memory, I'm both reasonably proud of myself and also annoyed that the X server and its updating system is pretty much the only thing which for me, lets down an otherwise beautiful operating system.

If I've been teaching my mother to suck eggs, I apologise, but you did ask.


Jahn Pretetia
Apr 24, 2007 Lord~spidey link
ahhh thanks contact me ingame you get a free hive posi
Apr 24, 2007 trav link
You got it working then?
Apr 24, 2007 slime73 link
Yup, he did.
Apr 25, 2007 trav link
Apr 25, 2007 Lord~spidey link
yes its amazing thx trav i really appreciate the time you took to write that post
Apr 27, 2007 moldyman link
Thanks! Now I want my login/out screen to be a Blue/Red Screen of Death!

P.S. - If anyone finds such a logon theme, or finds a program that can create logon themes, please tell me. (For Windows, of course).

[EDIT] Well I tried. Visually, it looks fine. But it wouldn't load for some reason. Borked me to the default login window. Probably broke another thing but I can fix that soon. Here it is:

[Image removed to save bandwidth] -Moldy

Oops. I completely cut off the top and bottom gray parts. Meh...
Apr 27, 2007 trav link
Ok, this was the second entry down from a google search of 'windows xp theme creation'

Theme Creation
Apr 27, 2007 moldyman link
Thanks trav, I found that too :) That's what I used to create the theme. Either I'm too tired or it's slightly more complex than I think it is.
Apr 27, 2007 trav link
Just as a matter of interest though, this is a trick I played on someone years ago and I can still hear his screaming.

This guy used to have incredible problems with his computer, getting errors and BSoDs all the time. We eventually fixed it, but after we got it sorted I kind of missed it, so I decided to have some fun with him.

I saw this online somewhere and unfortunately can't find it anymore, but it still works.

You need to open up a command prompt to full screen, make sure the letters and so on are at the right resolution and type 'edit' at the prompt.

What you will get is the very basic text editor supplied by microsoft to work within the command line.

Think about what the BSoD looks like and create your own. Give it a cool message like 'ERROR: The person touching this computer hasn't washed in four days and I refuse to continue unless they do. See error number 70U 5M311 for further information.

Using the formatting controls in Edit you can change the colour of text and so on, make use of it, keep it looking real.

Give it all the other little details to make it look as authentic as possible, then press 'Print Screen' to take a screenshot.

Go to your image editor and paste it in, making sure that the screenshot you took is at the same resolution as the computer you are going to plant it on.

When you save it, get it to the victims computer somehow and spend a couple of minutes using his task scheduler.

Set it up so that a task is run and displays the image you created

Schedule the task to begin at all sorts of random times and make sure it begins regardless of whether the computer is in use or not.

Sit back and enjoy the howls.
Apr 27, 2007 moldyman link
hehehe. That's sort of what I intend to do, though make other people freak out about my laptop crashing :p Oh and I got it done perfectly. After ponying up some money for an app to fix my registry, it all went smoothly. I even gained some artistic talent! Er, editing... Anyway. The joke is mostly that the Boot screen (The first image) comes up first when I load. Ironic given the next screen. Also, it'd suck to be shutting down and hit a screen o death. Almost like that dad running for the last action figure during Christmas shopping, only to have it swiped before his eyes...

Apr 27, 2007 Cunjo link
I still love the ole 'Format: C' bootscreen trick.