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Virginia Tech Shooting ends with 33 dead

May 01, 2007 toshiro link
LeberMac, I am Swiss... as such, I like Switzerland, yeah...

The article is inaccurate, however, in that there is no 'M-57' assault rifle (but an Stgw 57), and it's been obsolete for 20+ years. We now have the Stgw 90 (otherwise known as the SIG 550).

Also, we do not have to keep ammunition at home anymore.

And, lastly, we are not allowed to carry firearms publicly without a special permit (which is very hard to get, you have to be in the police, the army, or be part of a security company, special enquiries about the person notwithstanding), no matter the canton you're in.

On the whole, the article can only be seen as a joke, since it does not reflect the actual situation.
May 01, 2007 LeberMac link
That's one of the reasons I posted it... (Yeah I knew you were from Switzerland, I think. I've never been to Switzerland but my brother has, and he said he'd LOVE to go back, it was so clean he'd eat off the streets. Now, France on the other hand... but I digress.)

It's so easy to take some of these news articles as absolute truth, and thanks for clarifying.

More importantly, I thought that the article helped make my point about open firearms carrying or even concealed carrying: It works in homogeneous societies without much unrest. If you introduce open firearms usage in urban areas where there's already a lot of racial bias, large discrepancies between rich & poor, and an overworked police force, I think that's a recipe for disaster.

Of course, it would be a great way to weed out the folks with bad aim, ensuring a glorious generation of super-snipers in America... Hrm....

In all seriousness, I think that allowing concealed-carry would be a nightmare for urban areas. It would work fine for, ironically, the areas where we don't really need it.
May 01, 2007 toshiro link
Come to Vienna! We have filth there, too! :P

As such, I agree wholeheartedly with your latter part of the post (this is probably pretty clear from what I wrote beforehand), its essence being, as perceived by me, that it is hardly viable to diminish crime that involves the use of firearms by making more of them available to people in urban areas (with crime levels already high).

I'd still like to reiterate the reinforcing of classroom doors and desks, to provide passive protection for potential victims of shootings. And perhaps a key that can be used to lock those doors, in the custody of a responsible person. This is of course assuming that most gunners do not know about such things as the Masterkey system, or how to use it.