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that poor bastard!

Apr 03, 2007 drdoak007 link
Apr 04, 2007 LeberMac link
Oh My. Thanks for that, doakster, that was a good laugh.
Apr 04, 2007 toshiro link
I showed it to my co-workers, how we laughed!
Apr 04, 2007 moldyman link
Apr 05, 2007 Surbius link
"like you like your windows"

And I wonder why people still buy Vista.
Apr 06, 2007 Lord~spidey link
i dint need to buy it its such crap it came in the mail for free

But poor guy ROFLMAOLOL
Apr 06, 2007 Cunjo link
lol, I can see it hasn't gotten any better since XP.
Apr 14, 2007 Aleksey link
He cursed in Russian quietly :D
Apr 14, 2007 upper case link
hrm... i'm only going to do this once... ok?

it's not vista's entire fault.

there. i said it. me. a mac guy. i said it.

in this case, the fu*kt*rd is trying to use a lexical voice recognition system geared towards plain english recognition, in trying to input a computer syntax sentence.

his irregular tone, accelerating pitch and overal impatience at the task (wich is outright stupid to begin with) further confuses the system and thus cascading mis-recognitions and hilarity ensue.

you wouldn't get any better results in os x, and you'd have no results whatsoever on linux.

for voice recognition, ms has taken the lead that apple once had and so deservedly lost over the years for having sat on top of the same source code and not done squat with it.

now, there are far superior recognition and synthesis out there (for both mac and win) but it involves an additional cost.

so, laughter: yeah, some. but in this case, it's the tard's fault.
Apr 14, 2007 moldyman link
To some degree

To some degree not.
Apr 14, 2007 drdoak007 link