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Jack Thompson killed by rioters outside courthouse.

Apr 01, 2007 Cunjo link
I wish.
Apr 01, 2007 mr bean link
aww whyd you get my hopes up like that
Apr 02, 2007 A-Dawg link
Who's this Jack Thompson dude? Is he some kind of terrar? Murderer? Rapist? Neo-Nazi? Never heard of him.

[Edit] Oh, video games and rap music. What else is new...
Apr 02, 2007 mr bean link
hed be that neo-nazi
Apr 12, 2007 Cunjo link
</obligatory 1-Apr prank>
Apr 16, 2007 moldyman link

Kudos to slime for finding this. No one knows who was the shooter, their background or hell, even if they went to the school. But good ol Lawyer Thompson uses his magical ESP to call the blame on video games.
Apr 16, 2007 MSKanaka link
I wonder... if someone shot and murdered Thompson, how many would try blaming video games on it?
Apr 16, 2007 Cunjo link
more oldnews from JT. And yes, I have confirmation from someone attending VTech that the shooter did attend, with three engineering majors. No word yet on motive, and nobody wants to disclose the name yet.
Apr 17, 2007 drdoak007 link