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how does this happen without notice?!?!

Mar 07, 2007 drdoak007 link
Mar 07, 2007 slime73 link
Mar 07, 2007 drdoak007 link
"i'm sorry, i cant come into work today due to my penis falling off in one of the bottles yesterday."

... ... (murmuring from other end of phone)

"i think the doctor said i'll be okay..."

... ... ... (more murmuring)

"yes, i'm aware that i have used up all my sick days."

... (silence)

"okay, i'll try to be back in tomorrow."
Mar 07, 2007 upper case link
that thing was debunked long ago. it's no penis, but a mushroom outgrowth off of bacteria that got packaged in.

there's been other similar cases of miss-packaged food (mostly beverages or liquid-based) reported.