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solution to lebermac's overheating problem

Mar 02, 2007 clay link
Mar 02, 2007 Lord~spidey link
whoa sweet
Mar 03, 2007 LeberMac link
OMG. No, I think I'll just take it in for service, it's a known issue, and there's a recall.
Mar 03, 2007 LeadFist link
leave it to Tom's Hardware to super-cool a cpu like that.

Leber just needs a hopper into which he can continue to shovel snow and let melt into a water cooling system.
Mar 03, 2007 clay link
actually you can get a minifrig for 50 bucks that will fit a computer minus the case.
Mar 03, 2007 upper case link
he's got an imac.

i find it odd that his machine overheats. it's some weird defect that i'd have checked asap. or an excuse to break off fight and go boozing?

wich is it leebs?
Mar 03, 2007 chillum baba link
He already said there's a recall UC. Explains your crappy FPS I bet too, Lebermac,
Mar 04, 2007 LeberMac link
Probably. I'm trying a different solution, making the fans kick in sooner than they usually would.
Link here:

We'll see if it works.

Here's the actual apple link on the subject:

Using "Hardware Monitor", I get an average operating temp of about 145 degrees F. That's running under "Reduced" processor performance (Settings in the Energy Saver Control Panel)

When I switch to "Highest" in the energy saver control panel, I get an average operating temp of about 155 degrees F.

Recommended limit operating temp is 185 degrees F. I approach that by playing VO on the minimal VO graphics and video standards all the time - sometimes the machine actually goes into sleep mode if it approaches 185 F, which stops anything that you're actually doing. And that's using the "Reduced" processor performance settings.

So my fps woes in VO are definitely related to my crappy computer, I know that for sure. However, right now I don't have the money to buy anything new. I may hack up the case a bit and see if I can install a fan somehow. I'm sure that would work, just need to DO it...

Perhaps I'll write something about it if I get it working successfully.
Mar 04, 2007 thurisaz link cases are for ninnies :@
Mar 04, 2007 chillum baba link
You didn't pay for Applecare did you? You're kicking yourself now aren't you?

Clearly there's something seriously wrong and your best bet is gonna be to send it in for repairs. Cheaper than buying a new computer anyways. (Not sure the linked repair extension program is gonna help you.)