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music + game + fun = **happy campers**

Feb 28, 2007 drazed link
Oggz are here now, but almost not yet. *GO! GO!* for the *dancing*!

Why are we go there? If you are say the question another time
it is *frumple* too much and Orz are *dancing* for *dissolving* the *campers*.

EDIT: If any of you have never had a chance to play Star Control 2 go download Urquan Masters now!!

EDIT2: You will also find a score of new ogg music made for the game... This stuff is perfect for space flight and is now my new VO music =) Enjoy.

EDIT3: Direct link for just the music downloads...
Feb 28, 2007 mr_spuck link

I'm not too big a fan of the precursors remixes. They are just too overloaded with effects. The original ones fit the game way better IMHO.
Feb 28, 2007 LeberMac link
Sometimes I worry about you, drazed... :)
Feb 28, 2007 momerath42 link
Not to hijack your thread, drazed, but I actually came into the Off-topic forum to recommend a bunch of music I've encountered recently. It's all post-rock or on the genre's fringes, as that's what I'm into atm. It's also all instrumental, which makes for better gaming (and coding) background music IMHO.

Artist - Album (ranked roughly from omgwtfbbq-this-r00lz! to totally-great):
Natsumen - Never Wear Out Your Summer XXX!!!
RATATAT - Classics
The Lymbyc Systym - Carved By Glaciers (EP)
Te - If that is what is being thought liberated sound talks the depth of musical world
Neil On Impressions - The Perfect Tango
65daysofstatic - One Time For All Time
Magyar Posse - Random Avenger
Caspian - You Are the Conductor (EP)
Fridge - Semaphore
UpCDownCLeftCRightC+ABC+Start - And the Battle is Won
Tunnels - Natural Selection
Sweek - The Unbelievable Cinematic Crash
Pillow - Explicit No Lyrics
Maserati - Inventions For A New Season
Don Cabellero - American Don

What do others recommend for gaming music?
Feb 28, 2007 drazed link
Hijack? You are not hijack! You are *dev*! *Dev* are happy *people energy" from the outside. Inside is good. So much good that *dev* will always *germinate*. Can you come together with Orz for *parties*?

Here is *bright* and *smooth*. The other place is *hurt* Orz too much tired for keeping together. Other place is **Frumple**. Orz are here now, but almost not yet. Soon Orz are really here! You are help Orz with *parties*. Orz looking for you, and find you. So much joy!! Now *smooth* place all the time, and after now never going back to outside. Never!!
Feb 28, 2007 Professor Chaos link
Here's a good start: My VO music thread from a couple months ago. I'm really busy with school, but I may add more music to it, and update the list with momerath's suggestions.
Mar 01, 2007 look... no hands link
You should add "space truckin'" by deep purple to that list proffesor chaos