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the ultimate VO chair

Feb 24, 2007 drdoak007 link
Feb 24, 2007 mr bean link
is that yours?
Feb 24, 2007 Cunjo link
I'll do you one better... just replace the steering column with a pair of joysticks and a keypad.
Feb 25, 2007 Professor Chaos link
First one's more impressive; looks like a real cockpit. And I echo mr bean: HOLY SHIT! is that yours?
Feb 25, 2007 Blacklight link
I want that chair!!! drdoak007 thats awesome!
Feb 25, 2007 toshiro link
I like Cunjo's better because

a) it is red.

b) kinetic feedback rules.
Feb 25, 2007 drdoak007 link
no, it's not mine... yet. (that one is too much of a fighter jet replica. needs some tlc to become a space-cockpit

right now i am working one a duplicate of this

although, this would be my lay-z-boy
Feb 25, 2007 look... no hands link
currentley im working on modifying a dentists chair i swiped to play vo, should hold my foot pedals niceley.
Feb 25, 2007 Professor Chaos link
That bar should be built in to your VO chair.
Feb 25, 2007 LeberMac link
Nothing like the original Hoverboy...

Feb 25, 2007 LeberMac link
OK Doak, I was going to get a new computer, but I think the AIBar from BarMonkey might better fit my lifestyle.

Where can I get this and how much?
Feb 25, 2007 drdoak007 link
i dont know, but it's damn cool. and i want to figure out / buy their schematics.
Feb 25, 2007 smittens link

a) How many more times are you going to post that pic?

b) How is that the "original" hoverboy if it's mk 4?
Feb 25, 2007 LeberMac link
Smittens, it's a chair thread. If you don't have a chair picture to post, go away.
Feb 25, 2007 smittens link

(Hint, Leber...I'm on the left)
Feb 25, 2007 upper case link
hehe. touché, smitty

(for conformity, here's my chair)
Feb 25, 2007 look... no hands link

thats verry similar to the chair i use currentley
Feb 25, 2007 Professor Chaos link
Here is a good chair. Here also, and here, and here, and my favorite. This, however, is my VO chair. It's fully loaded, with everything and stuff.