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Feb 19, 2007 upper case link
a growing number of web sites are starting to support openid.

think of it as kerberos for web sites. it basically lets you register *one* account name & pw (+ some account info and personas) that you can reuse on multiple web sites.

this means that with one account info, you could log-in on multiple forums system and web sites without having to remember a bazilion account info & pws.

yahoo and aol recently announced their intentions on supporting openid and you can expect a lot of the opensource-based forum software (phpbb etc) to move to openid soon. youtube is said to be working on that too.

myopenid is one place you can register an openid account that will be usable on those sites.

if you plan on using this in the futur, it might be a good idea to register (and thus reserve) your openid account id soon before it gets taken.
Feb 19, 2007 avirulence link
Yeah, I think this is a good initiative. A while ago I read about this being an Open alternative to Password. Don't they use this on LiveJournal too?

Thanks for the reminder, I just registered my name. :)
Feb 19, 2007 MSKanaka link
Aye, me too.
Feb 19, 2007 roguelazer link
So, now all the crackers need to do is break one set of databases to get into every website? AWESOME!
Feb 19, 2007 upper case link
Not that simple. It's like kerberos. substitute kerberos ticket with local cookie.
Feb 19, 2007 LeberMac link
OK I did it. Yay. Now if I could find an OpenID-supporting site that I use regularly... Hrm...
Feb 19, 2007 Scuba Steve 9.0 link
Bleh, I'll stick to my different-passwords-for-everything...thing.

This would be extra hassle(enter OpenID, log into OpenID, summon the dark lord Matrioshka with pixie dust and rubber chickens, do whatever) for lesser security(One password for everything, bleh) =/
Feb 20, 2007 jexkerome link
I'll do it when I simply cannot put it off anymore; meanwhile, my gazillion passwords will do, thankyouverymuch.