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Play Infocom's Planetfall!

Feb 09, 2007 LeberMac link
Play it it here:

In fact, all of the Infocom games are there, it appears, if you go up one directory. Sweet!
Feb 10, 2007 chillum baba link

But just wait 'til Activision gets wind...

Use this link instead (it's just one dir up)
Feb 10, 2007 zamzx zik link
OMG this is awesome
there goes my weekend!

(Post your scores!)

first score; 3

Should have put on my seatbelt...I didn't know the command :(
Feb 10, 2007 zamzx zik link
Crud. How do I figure out the combiniation?
Feb 11, 2007 SCAR Bank link
I downright hated some of those games back in the day... now they're retro and cool. Played BZORK not a month back.
Feb 11, 2007 chillum baba link
umm score for which game? and I already scored 70 on Sorcerer... unfortunately I get no save :(
(damn this security shit... I want java applets to write all over me drive... erase shit... I don't care. just let me save my game...)

And I owned, loved, and cut me gamin teeth, so to speak, on just about ALL these games... cept me dad wouldn't let me have Leather Goddesses of Phobos... :)
Not that I ever asked... it was kinda implicit. (not the GAME... that'd be explicit... btw what's the command to move it up from suggestive mode?)
Feb 12, 2007 LeberMac link
LMAO I bought Leather Goddesses of Phobos with my allowance money and played it for about 2 weeks until Mom & Dad found the box & grounded me. Almost won it.

Funny thing is... I caught Dad playing it about 6 months later... HA!

Aaaah... good times... good times...
Feb 12, 2007 chillum baba link
BTW: There are many Z-machine (Infocom's parser) emulators available from Sourceforge, so with the actual game files (which must be available since this guy has em) you can run any of these games without the java restrictions.

If anyone can point me to a source for the game files, I'd appreciate it. (And yes these are still copyrighted, but basically abandonware... I don't thing there's anything wrong with keepin em alive. Activision (Activision bought Broderbund which bought Infocom) is just holding onto ownership in case they want to use the names and storylines for future games I believe... They were actually semi-public-domain for a long while even.)
Feb 12, 2007 RelayeR link
I have a 3 ring notebook full of maps and directions for a lot of these titles. The only game I didn't finish and really would be interested in is "Gateway" (my disk got corrupted).

I can't find it anywhere.
Feb 12, 2007 mr_spuck link
look at the source of the pages.
<param name="StoryFile" value="hgg.z3">

means that that the game file is called hgg.z3. so enter into the address bar and the brower should prompt you to download the file, which you can feed into a Z-code interpreter.

googling around I came across this collection:
looks like people still make those games

edit: this gateway?
there seem to a few other adventures too