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discussion on upper case's private life

Jan 26, 2007 In Before Lock! link
Start here.

(Btw, it seems that "IBL" posts are considered bad taste in the General forums while discussion on a person's private life in a thread that started with somebody posting that s/he is leaving is kosher. You need a break, Whistler.)
Jan 26, 2007 Whistler link
Or perhaps you do. Incarnate is the one who responded after the discussion of "private lives". I hadn't seen it yet and had nothing to do with it.

Maybe YOU should give me a break and avoid making extra work for me.
Jan 26, 2007 upper case link
for the record, i have nothing to do with that poster.
Jan 26, 2007 Katarn link
Yes, they are in bad taste. Perhaps you should learn to troll a little more gracefully. NOOB
Jan 26, 2007 LeberMac link
Good Lord. It's like he's (IBL) saying " Please please ban me from the forums, Whister, I'm incapable of controlling myself and insist that you take action before I post again!"
C'mon, knock it off.
Jan 26, 2007 Professor Chaos link
Disappointing. I opened this thread hoping for some juicy bits of upper case's private life. I'll be back when there's good gossip. :)
Jan 26, 2007 smittens link
I heard UC has been secretly dating Carmen Electra, but doesn't want it know because he's afraid it'll damage his rep!
Jan 26, 2007 drdoak007 link
this is why i love the written english language...

without explaining my demeaner, i can type ANYTHING and people take offence to it.

take uppercase for example... i tease, he gets angry, then there's tumble.. you stand firm on the opposite of his decisions and he gets pissy.

look, if you take offence to anything written in a forum thread, step outside and go for a walk... cause it's about time you actually introduce yourself to society and reality.
Jan 27, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
What, exactly, is wrong with doak's brain?

And don't tell me 'a lot'--I know that much.
Jan 27, 2007 Whistler link
My demeanor's in the kitchen.