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Wii friend code central

Jan 28, 2007 Lord~spidey link
Feb 13, 2007 drdoak007 link


1. select new mii.
2. choose female. (sorry, but your aliens will look better with chick bodies)
3. start from scratch.
4. since the head shape is pre-chosen properly, start with a bald head. hair -> pg. 3/6: bottom left corner
5. eliminate eyebrows. pg. 2/2: bottom right
6. eyes. these are a little more complicated.
6.a. for a female alien choose pg. 1/4: bottom row, middle column -> adjust one (1) turn for slant, and lower the eyes as far as they will go.
6.b. for male aliens choose pg. 3/4: top right corner -> adjust two (2) turns for slant, increase size to max, and lower the eyes as far as they will go.
7. nose. choose top right corner, decrease size one knotch, lower five (5) spaces.
8. as for the mouth, you can really choose anything. i prefer the "shocked" look. pg. 2/2 top right -> decrease size one knotch, and lower three (3) spaces.
9. next comes the height/weight... max height, min weight.
10. choose a colour and choose a name. so far i have been a fan of making all my aliens wear white, and naming them common american names. seems funnier to me.

lastly, make as many as you can, and make sure that you have mingle turned on for the full effect... spidey will see what i am talking about as soon as he checks the mii parade (p.s. pls take a screen shot of that, i wanna see it.)...


i can see me silhouette in the reflection... hehe
Feb 13, 2007 upper case link
what's the spamming potential in publicly disclosing our mii? anyone knows?
Feb 13, 2007 drdoak007 link
if the wii-friend network is the way i think it is,

then my 30 alien mii's will be on two different VOplayer's wii systems. if those two people make 30 alien mii's using this recipe, then there will be 60 that show up on my mii parade.

with the extensive network that the wii CAN have, and every wii owner make 30 alien mii's on mingle, there will be an over-abundance of aliens on parade.
Feb 13, 2007 upper case link
6322 8700 7543 2515


this external wii thread was instrumental in getting my wii to use my iMac's wifi card to route through my cable modem (through wired network).

no need for external wifi routers if your mac uses wired networking and also has an airport card (you mac becomes the router).
Feb 13, 2007 drdoak007 link
just make sure to register each of us so that we can actually HAVE contact via wii's.

it's a two way street only. either with consoles or emails, both sides must register the other.
Feb 14, 2007 drdoak007 link



thank god that it's a free download, because i couldnt see anyone paying for a channel that allows you to voice your opinion...

(yes, i see the humour in posting here.....)

plus, i am a little edgy lately due to the lack of a wireless sensor bar that hasnt arrived yet.
Feb 14, 2007 Lord~spidey link
heya UC make shure you register my new wii code my old one got wiped when i formtted the wii
Feb 14, 2007 upper case link
yeah i did spidey. i'm waiting for you to do your part ;-)

slime73 and i have tested round trip messages and it works.
Feb 15, 2007 Lord~spidey link
Good Good MUHAHAHAHAHA MWAHAHAHA /me takes deep breath huuuuuuuuu
Feb 20, 2007 drdoak007 link
uc, add me to your list!

/me sings

"Why cant Wii be friends, why can Wii be friends...."
Feb 28, 2007 drdoak007 link
Mar 08, 2007 drdoak007 link
Mar 09, 2007 Surbius link
Hmmmm, blow my week's pay stub on a Wii?
Mar 10, 2007 upper case link
Nintendo to Wii gamers: Let's share Miis

During a speech at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, Nintendo game creator Shigero Miyamoto said the channel, to launch soon, will enable gamers not only to share their custom avatars, but to vote on them in popularity contests, adding another level of stickiness to the online functionality of Nintendo's $250 next-generation console.

Mar 18, 2007 drdoak007 link
Mar 21, 2007 Lord~spidey link
Apr 04, 2007 upper case link
Apr 10, 2007 drdoak007 link
The Art of Zelda Fishing.

I cant explain why, but for some reason fish are suckers for Cream's "Sunshine of your Love"

if you know the guitar riff,

grab a popping lure, and cast it towards the shore. and play.


guaranteed to catch a fish on every cast. you may not catch a loach or pike all the time, but you'll at least catch a catfish.
Apr 10, 2007 mgl_mouser link
The fishing hole's second floating dock is a sure bet for catching fish, and a practical empty bottle.