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who's in control of what motor skills?

Jan 12, 2007 drdoak007 link
Jan 12, 2007 upper case link
they each have one side. i saw a more complete (in the technical way) report on them once. each control one arm and one leg. they've actually learnt to walk and coordinate their efforts like that. wich makes it even more amazing.

they share the lower abdomen hardware, wich accounts for some weird, twisted, mind-boggling thoughts.
Jan 12, 2007 Scuba Steve 9.0 link
I wonder if the poor sap that gets stuck in an arranged marriage with them will get carted off to jail for polygamy.
Jan 13, 2007 drdoak007 link
i am not sure about arranged marriages, but if one of them falls in love and the other hates the guy's guts.... that would be highly dramatic.
Jan 13, 2007 Scuba Steve 9.0 link
Hopefully reality TV doesn't catch wind of this. D=
Jan 13, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
they share the lower abdomen hardware, wich accounts for some weird, twisted, mind-boggling thoughts.

Neither appears to be physically unattractive, though the exact relation of the dual heads to the single torso is difficult to access, of course. I doubt anyone would be "stuck" in a marriage, arranged or otherwise, with them (from listening to them, they have clearly tried very hard to assimilate into mainstream culture, perhaps to an extent of self-dumbing down, but that will hopefully pass by without permanently impacting them).

Assuming that they both settle on a single mate, this would be a unique relationship indeed.

Essentially it is two people sharing a single physical body, though I would wonder if each perceives the same stimulus in the same manner, be the perception emotional or physical.

It would be a fascinating story were they ever to write an account of their lives.
Jan 14, 2007 drdoak007 link
many a tale has been written about twin siblings, where one becomes a career driven workhorse, and the other, a family person.

with two minds, comes two mindsets. it's difficult enough to make one's mind up for their live's path, for these girls this must be even more confusing. who chooses what's right/wrong for them? who makes the final decision? it's not like they can ALWAYS agree on things; and without third party involvement; there's no possible way for a diplomatic vote to work.

i wish i could speak with these girls to get some answers on my curiosity of their lives. judging on the quality of the filming, i assume that this clip is recent and these girls are in highschool. they have a large milestone / hurdle coming soon, and i would like to have some idea of what they have planned.

as for the SEX thing... yes it would be difficult for every guy to automatically say "i would hit that!"

it's not socially "normal" for a woman to have two heads. but i imagine that there must be someone that these girls have grown to accept into their life, and he in return. that would be the first step into a normal relationship, so how is the small issue of sharing a body going to make anything more difficult? it's not.

one day these girls will have a sexual relationship grow out from any personal relationship they have now, or in the near future.

what i am most curious about is how these girls were / are socially accepted. do they have seperate bith certificates? or transcripts for school? because that would automatically give them rights for two separate driver's licenses. at which point, who is held accountable for car accidents?
Jan 14, 2007 drdoak007 link

TLC is hosting a 1hr show on Abby and Brittany on the 17th. should be a "good watch".

and they have a wiki....