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oh boy! war with iran! wonderful wonders

Jan 14, 2007 break19 link
Tosh. millions of people died in WW2.. yet we won.. millions of people died in the war between the states.. yet the USA won that one too..

The problem is.. these pansy-assed, panty-waisted liberal types, who wont LET US DO IT.. They give the military all these rules about"you can kill em here, but not there.. you gotta be sure they a bad guy.. " etc etc..

KILL THEM.. Don't hesitate.. dont ask questions.. kill em.. if they're dead, they can't complain.. they cant sue.. kill em.

They attacked US with no more of a thought than a semi hitting a mosquito.. it's high time we returned the favor.. swat them aside.. we HAVE the military might to do so.. but the crybabys in congress wont let us do it.
Jan 14, 2007 moldyman link
As much as I hate the idea, I agree with break.

If you're jumping into a fire, better go in with both feet and a bucket of water and tough coat and some boots...
Jan 15, 2007 toshiro link
No, see, if I thought that military action against Iran would show any positive effect, I'd be all for it. I'm not a bleeding-heart liberal, so to speak, at least I do not think I am. I don't think that every person is 'good', but there are some who are.

I do think that it would be wiser to take the diplomatic approach and support the democratically thinking minority in Iran, perhaps not with weapons, but money and other bureaucratic help. Because if Iran is attacked, those people might fall back in line with the religious fanatics.

However, it seems like the rest of the government won't let the war on Iran happen anyway, so the point is largely moot.
Jan 15, 2007 break19 link
Tosh, the problem with that idea is.. we have many in our government looking to *stop* helping Iraq, as we speak.. why should any citizens of Iran think we would help them?

Every action we take.. needs to be looked at from all angles. Yet, many people think pulling out of Iraq has no consequences.

And here I thought we had learned our lesson from the last war we ended too soon.

Osama bin Laden (and many others in the world, including China, who originated the term) call the USA a "paper tiger" we look powerful on paper, but hit us hard enough and we will crumble.

That was because of Vietnam.. we managed to get a little away from that image of us, with the 1st Gulf War.. if we pull another Vietnam... Our military will become the laughing stock of the world.. Like Russia's did in their war with Afghanistan.

Do I like seeing our boys die? not at all.. But our military knows there jobs.. People don't join the military to feed people and protect the cows after a natural disaster.

They *JOIN* to help protect this country. And most, if not all of them, know that they have a chance of losing their life.

Am I military? No.. I tried to join up in 94, but couldn't pass the physical, due to hearing issues.. (completely deaf in one ear, so can't direction a sound is coming from). Both my grandfather's served. My mother's real father died in 1952, during the Korean war. My dad's father also served in Korea. My little sister had a medical discharge in 98. Several people I know were deployed last year.. one didn't make it back.

We all mourn his loss, but we also are proud of him, and thankful for the service he gave.

If we pull out now tho, before the job is done, Iraq will never become stable, but instead be another anarchy, like Somalia is, and his death (and the other 3000 US deaths) will become as meaningless as dust in the wind.

Jan 15, 2007 upper case link
exactly what job?

what's being done in iraq atm is simply butchery for oil. that's the whole issue. iraq was never about protecting the u.s. your friends & family members are being killed or otherwise maimed so a few can get richer with contracts. meanwhile, whole populations are held hostage by what is now sectarian violence. in that aspect, iraq was a ticking time bomb. a minority held a tight grip on a majority and now the tides have turned. it'll take a while before the heat dissipates.

i dont have a magic solution. at this point, a pull-out would be regarded as a major fiasco for the u.s. hundred of trillions wasted. countless lives messed up. but the fast eroding military only makes the u.s. more vulnerable to the real problem states of this world like north korea, iran and china.

i have uttermost respect for anyone who's willing to put himself on the line to protect their own country or a greater sense of morality. no one really doubts the u.s. has a formidable war machine. but it lacks direction and is headed by a bunch of capitalistic clowns.
Jan 15, 2007 LeberMac link
Oh shit.... after that bomb, I'll head out of this thread before it gets ugly...
Jan 15, 2007 toshiro link
This thread started out ugly...

Still, I agree with part of what both you (uppercase) and Eize say.