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We is in! aka Leber give me my 100k

Dec 31, 2006 smittens link
So the Giants are in the playoffs! Leber don't be sad; at least NFC East Represent! THREE TEAMS! Weeee!
Jan 01, 2007 moldyman link
So which no name team do the Giants get to lose to this time? Dear god, I will laugh if it's to the Rams.
Jan 01, 2007 Blacklight link
Bah! Its all about the Chargers baby! San Diego represent!!! Though the Ravens look like a killer team too. Im rooting for the Saints in the NFC, Chicago is pathetic, they think they are really good, but if you look at their schedule, they didn't really beat a *real* team...

And no, Im not a bandwagon fan!
Jan 01, 2007 smittens link
Do you live in SD Blacklight?

I did but I HATE the Chargers and always have! Their fans are so fucking hypocritical! Last season you were all like "Waah waah we have the hardest schedule and that's why we're not in the playoffs" yet when this season you beat teams like Oakland and Arizona you treat it like the goddamn superbowl!
Jan 01, 2007 roguelazer link
Go Pats!
Jan 01, 2007 smittens link
Hah! Now THERE is a bandwagon team! Rogue, you should go console pretty-boy Tom Brady...he's probably still upset about getting dumped after the loss to Miami.
Jan 01, 2007 smittens link
Also, I figure I should make this clear so you know whether or not you will earn the wrath of Smittens:

Teams I HATE:

Teams I like:
Jan 02, 2007 LeberMac link
How can anyone hate the Packers?
This just confirms that you have brain damage, Smitty.

You'll have your 100K next time I see you ingame! (You left last night before I could find you, ya loser!)

Stupid Redskins. Gah.
Jan 02, 2007 Millenium Blackhawk link
Hey Smittens :P

Go Pats!
Jan 02, 2007 smittens link
You can hate the Packers because they're lead by an old fart who is/was so severely overrated that no one will fire his crappy wrinkling ass.
Jan 02, 2007 LeberMac link
Haha, now, I'm not the biggest Packer Fan (my wife IS tho...) but I can honestly say that a 37-year old Brett Favre with a bum ankle is worth 3 spry and fresh Eli Mannings.

Maybe 4.
Jan 02, 2007 smittens link
I don't think Eli is ever gonna be like Peyton, but I think within a year or two he will be a competent QB. It took Brees a number of seasons to play like he does now, and I think the same thing (or at least similar thing) will happen with Eli. However I would love to see Lorenzen play a few games next season if Eli is still having trouble (that's the Giants back up QB...300lbs, which is more than our DEs!)
Jan 07, 2007 break19 link
2 words: GO SAINTS
Jan 07, 2007 moldyman link
Go Eagles.
Jan 08, 2007 MSKanaka link
Jan 08, 2007 LeberMac link
Haha, One -n- Done, eh, Smitty?

I'll pick SuperBowl teams now: New Orleans Saints vs. Baltimore Ravens. With New Orleans in an upset win on the big day.
Jan 08, 2007 smittens link
I agree with you on the Saints, and the Saints winning the bowl (sure would seem a bit suspicious, eh? One season, 4-12, the next, which is also their "emotional return" they win it all? I called conspiracy at the beginning of the year, and I haven't been proven wrong yet!), but AFC is still up in the air to me.

SD is done, because Rivers has been faltering and won't be able to handle the playoffs, especially against the Pats. Everyone has discounted Indi for two reasons: 1) Run Defense sucks, 2) Manning can't play in the playoffs. Well, last week proved number 1 wrong, and I don't think 2 is a valid reason at all. Baltimore is a good team, and their defense might be able to hold Indi's explosiveness down, but Jamal Lewis is washed up as is McNair, and Indi's defense (if they keep playing like they did last week) will have no problem.

If NE wins by a lot, or SD wins, I predict the winner of Indi/Baltimore will go to the Super Bowl, if the game is close and NE wins, I'm not sure who will win the AFC game. Actually, revising my earlier prediction, I think if Indi gets to the Super Bowl and the Saints winning is not a conspiracy, Indianapolis will win the big game.

Anyone want to place some money on this?
Jan 10, 2007 Millenium Blackhawk link
NE vs SD will be a close game. I can't honestly decide on who I think will win. But it'll be great game.

As good as the Saints are doing, do you really think they will beat the Bears? The Eagles, no problem... Chicago on the other hand... heh, well the Pats beat them :)
Jan 10, 2007 Blacklight link
Yeah I live in SD, the game on Sunday will be a very close game. Rivers is better than you (Smittens) give him credit for. He is the best 4th quarter QB in the league. If you give him time, he will not falter. Plus a # of talents on the offense. Including Mr. MVP!

"yet when this season you beat teams like Oakland and Arizona you treat it like the goddamn superbowl!"

Not really, we actually beat some of the "play-off bound teams" During the season, I guess you just focused on the "easy" games. Then again, there are some bad fans, so don't generalize them with all of us. I admit, last season was hard, but that was the past.

Pats have a good offense, their defense is so-and-so. I honestly thought that they would stop the Jets to a field goal or something. Don't know how good their secondary is w/o Rodney Harrison.

Giants....just suck, no offense, but thank you for giving us Rivers, Kaeding, and Merriman over that spoiled wannabe-Peyton Manning. Who does he think he is, wanting to choose which team to go to. Its a priviledge to be in the NFL, you get what you get. Im glad they lost to the Eagles.

The Colts on the other-hand, can probably beat the Ravens. Ravens have a good defense, but their offense can't seem to score. My favor will be the Colts for that game. I still think that the Colts run-defense sucks. After all, KC wasn't that good this year. They got into the playoffs because they were lucky. (Yeah... you came in by "winning..." my ass.) Colts will have a pretty tough season next year if they don't win the big one. The Titans are getting MUCH better and Jacksonville is still pretty good. And this is just their conference.

My Dream is to have the Saints vs. Chargers in the SuperBowl. That'd be the most interesting game to watch. I mean, who wouldn't want to watch Brees against his own team?
Jan 11, 2007 smittens link
But if it is Saints/Chargers, I wouldn't be too excited as a Chargers fan. Would you really want someone who knows your defense that well attacking it?

I think you're overestimating Rivers. I will give you that he has done better this season than Eli has. But the fact is that QBs just don't do well in their first playoff game. Combined with the fact that he hasn't played AS WELL in these last few games, I wouldn't give him too much credit. It'll come down to LT.

Regarding Eli v. Rivers, Eli hasn't matured quite as quickly, but like I said, it took Brees many seasons to develop. And Rivers miraculous first season reminds me of another QB who was in a motorcycle crash...lets hope its a car crash this time!

Also, I wouldn't mind the Chargers winning the super bowl if they move to LA because of it. I would laugh so hard if that happened! SD fans waste their lives on the crappy seasons, and when the Chargers finally turn it on, they bail out! It would be an awesome slap in the face to all of you (douchebags).

Also, what part of SD?