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tired of other threads complaining about the complainers being moved!

Dec 24, 2006 upper case link

let us complain as a community!

(yeah... you can ninny-lock this)
Dec 24, 2006 moldyman link
How can you be so bored!?!
Dec 24, 2006 upper case link
Dec 24, 2006 moldyman link
Fog get to ya?
Dec 24, 2006 upper case link
there was a time i had my own blue fog in my apartment. i've gotten wiser since.
Dec 24, 2006 who? me? link
why are you complaining?
Dec 24, 2006 moldyman link
Because we have nothing else to do.
Dec 25, 2006 Lexicon link
Go outside and play Football! (Either kind, I don't care!)
Dec 25, 2006 who? me? link
go buy yourself a blootooth