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Stargate vs. BSG vs. Star Trek

Dec 19, 2006 moldyman link
WARNING: Geek topic!!!

Anyway, I know quite a bit about Battlestar Galactica and Star Trek, but not too much about Stargate. Someone more versed in all three care to discuss their main points?

(Point: I am semi bored and procrastinating on work)
Dec 19, 2006 Snax_28 link
Hmmm, let's see. Stargate is shit. Pure and unadulterated shit. The movie was shit. The series is shit.

Startrek was groundbreaking for it's time, as far as television series go.

Battlestar is quite possibly one of the most successful sci-fi shows of all time from a dramatic standpoint. It doesn't really break much new ground, especially since it is itself a remake. But it builds upon the established norms to perfection, and the writing is intelligent and inspired (although I'm starting to wonder if the writers are running out of steam this season.... you can tell this series was only supposed to be one or two seasons long, and now with the success the studio execs are trying to stretch it for all it's worth)... 2¢
Dec 19, 2006 Lexicon link
I like how Teal'c says "Indeed." A lot in SG-1. And how he always refers to everyone by their first AND last names. Without Richard Dean Anderson, it went downhill, he played the BEST laid-back, lackluster commander. I still watch it, tho. SG-Atlantis is OK, because there'e slightly better eye candy. Speaking of eye candy...

I dig how Baltar scores two cylon chicks every night, means there is hope for me... (/me looks over shoulder to make sure wife isn't reading...) BSG is a damn good show, but Gav is right... it's being stretched too thin.

But seriously, Star Trek was the original, the trailblazer, everything essentially is derived from that. Points for being the original, but, it's from the 1960's...

Out of the three right now, I'd much rather watch BSG.
Dec 19, 2006 roguelazer link
The first 8 seasons of Stargate SG-1 were worth watching, particularly 5-8. Atlantis and the later SG-1, much less so.

BSG is awesome. As a matter of fact, it deserves a new word to describe how beyond awesome it is. I vote for hapawsomful.

For Trek, the pecking order is pretty much this:
Wrath of Khan >= Voyage Home > Search for Spock > Undiscovered Country > ST:TMP > TNG > movies 7-10 > TOS > Voyager > DS9 > Enterprise > The Final Frontier
Dec 19, 2006 WE WANT LEEBS! link
Original Star Trek : Uhura. Ummmkay. But I think it's Kirk who is the Sexy Biatch there, for both boys and girls.

Star Trek TNG : Tasha Yar was hot, but they killed her off early. The burden of babehood was then passed to Deanna Troi who was bleh.

Star Trek DS9 : Ok, Dax was hot. But her relationship with that gawdawful Worf spoiled it all for us.

Star Trek Voyager : Some say 7 of 9 was the hawtness. But, her boobies are too big, and she was as cold as liquid nitrogen. I am sorry, but I'd like some *warmth* in my gals.

Stargate SG-1 : The producers tried the brainy blond thing with Sam Carter; she's ok. But she was bleh at best; besides watching Richard Dean Anderson carrying guns is just....wrong.

BSG : Starbuck is ok, and 6 is just weird. But no sci-fi girl can touch 8. 8 wins. Period.

So yeah, BSG is the best sci-fi show.
Dec 19, 2006 ArAsH link
I heard first hand from someone who works at ILM that Lucas is very interested in television these days, so better watch out, something big is comming from that way.
Dec 19, 2006 Dr. Lecter link
WWL, if you want warmth in the girl, you're expected to get it going.
Dec 20, 2006 Snax_28 link
You sir hang out with the wrong women ;)
Dec 20, 2006 WE WANT LEEBS! link
Dunno about you Dr Lecter, but I get both squeezes *and* eye candy.
Dec 20, 2006 chillum baba link
OMFG... the warning is not nearly enough. This kind of filth should be burned.
At once.

EDIT: Shouldn't Firefly/Serenity be included in your "geek" (should be nerd really) discussion?

geeks PWN nerds

EDIT: Oh . . . I should really read the first post in a thread eh. It's not an open discussion on the highly nerdy distinctions between sci-fi TV programs, but rather a request for more information on those three specifically. My original statement on burning this nerd filth still stands.
Dec 20, 2006 chillum baba link
I should really read the whole thread too. ;)

WE WANT LEEBS!'s reply is hilarious.

EDIT: But still nerd filth . . . BURN it I say, burn it ALL.
Dec 20, 2006 Dark Knight link
"I heard first hand from someone who works at ILM that Lucas is very interested in television these days, so better watch out, something big is comming from that way."

He's working on a live-action Star Wars TV series set between episodes III and IV, due to come out some time between 2008 and 2010. He'll be writing and producing the first season, then will hand it off to someone else, but he plans to stay on as Executive Producer.

Let's just hope there aren't any love scenes in the first season.
Dec 20, 2006 toshiro link
Yay! I have no TV and hold an opinion!

I liked Raumpatrouille Orion.
Dec 20, 2006 Professor Chaos link
Dec 20, 2006 Suicidal Lemming link
Out of the three, BSG for the win.
Dec 21, 2006 smittens link
They all suck!

[leaves for another month of post-less lurking]
Dec 23, 2006 Shapenaji link
Star Trek: Whitewashed garbage (Though I loved it at the time)
SG1: Frakkin Boring
BSG & Firefly: Both awesome, but for very different reasons. They're two entirely different styles, so I can't really compare them.
Dec 23, 2006 Professor Chaos link
I've been curious about BSG, but I don't have the time to invest in a show right now, so I'm avoiding it. I'm avoiding BSG and 24, and another one I can't remember at the moment, because I want to see them from the beginning on DVD when there's more time.

Other than that, right on, shape. I used to be way into Star Trek. TOS is still great, because it's hilarious (I love Futurama and Galaxy Quest, too), but TNG on were the best ever when I first saw them, and I see them now and cringe. There are still a few good episodes, though, and Q still makes me laugh.

And yes, though Stargate was a fairly entertaining movie, SG1 is boring as hell. One of my wife's friends is obsessed with it, and has all the DVDs, so I've seen a good number of episodes, and there were maybe two that I liked. That's a worse ratio than Star Trek!

To quote Fry in Futurama: "79 episodes, about 30 good ones..." "You know what movies average out to be really good? The first six Star Trek Movies!"
Dec 24, 2006 slime73 link vote on the right hand side.
Dec 24, 2006 krazyivan link
BSG is awesome. It's dark and grim in ways that no other sci fi series has ever dared to try. Sometimes I wish they'd cut the drama a bit and do a little more action, but it's ok the way it is.

Star Trek is classic! I love it.

SG1 is a good show. I like it because it doesn't take itself seriously like every other sci fi show does. They have as much rediculous techno-babble as any other show, but they don't try to write pretend textbooks explaining how their physics works. They have more than one episode that feel like Galaxy Quest, except it's the regular actors making fun of themselves and their show. It's fun, light hearted sci fi...even comedic after a while (as long as you get to know the characters.) I recommend it.