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So long Vendetta. =(

Dec 16, 2006 Spellcast link
Well, i've had to cancel my vendetta account. I put off doing it for as long as i could but with a baby on the way (our first, due in march) i've been far too busy to log on more than once or twice a month for quite some time now and can no longer afford to pay for the subscription.

Thank you very much to incarnate, raybondo, a1k0n, (the departed Waylon), and Momerath for a lot of entertainment and I wish you the very best of luck with VO. I am confident that you will manage to turn the game into everything it has the potential to be and more, I simply don't have the resources availible to continue to subscribe.

I'll probably continue to lurk in the forums for some time just to keep in touch, and hopefully things will eventually settle down on a more even keel at some point in the future and i'll be able to re-subscribe.

Peace to all, and happy holidays as well.
Dec 16, 2006 Whistler link
Probably wise - you'll be extra busy once the baby comes. Even if you aren't, it's wise not to be seen playing games when there are mouths to be fed, diapers to be changed, laundry to be folded, etc..

Enjoy (really!)
Dec 16, 2006 Snax_28 link
Congrats on the baby Spellcast!
Dec 17, 2006 Lexicon link
LOL I manage to find time to play VO with two rugrats, Spell. No worries - we'll see ya soon™!

Best of luck with the new baby, congrats!
Dec 17, 2006 ananzi link
i think you need to ask yourself, where are your priorities?

too many kids get too much attention these days. it spoils them. first thing you know, they are on welfare, living in a tent at the edge of the railroad tracks, grabbing scraps of banana peels from the dumpster at the back of the nearby strip mall.

studies prove that an inattentive, absentee parent promotes strong bones, a healthy body, a winning smile, and a good career. do you want to deprive your children of the american dream by spending time with them? sure, it might make -you- feel good to play 'hide and seek' and 'peek a boo', but what about whats best for them?

neglect your kids - a message from the national child advancement foundation

Dec 17, 2006 mr_spuck link
aww ..bye and have fun spell!
Dec 17, 2006 toshiro link
Yeah, congratulations on the children, Spellcast. Here's hoping you'll be back some time.
Dec 17, 2006 roguelazer link
Bye Spellcast, and good luck.
Dec 18, 2006 Ghost link
Take care spell, it's been a pleasure. Good luck!
Dec 18, 2006 MonkRX link

I hope everything goes well for you, and I hope the new baby doesn't give you -too- much trouble. Looking forward to seeing you return, maybe with a wingman by your side ;)

- MonkRX
Dec 18, 2006 upper case link
congratulations spellcast & the rest of the family.

enjoy every minute of it. it's well worth it.
Dec 20, 2006 momerath42 link
Congratulations and good luck, Spellcast! Hope to see you again when things have settled down!
Dec 20, 2006 drdoak007 link
spell, it's still possible.

my son is now turning 1yrs, and yes i have slowed down on the "playing" but there is still time to hop online.

for the first three months, TBO, the father is prettty useless anyhow... play without headphones so you can hear her ask for you to run errands, and you'll be set.
Dec 20, 2006 Whistler link
That wasn't the case for me. I kept busy doing household chores. I also needed more sleep, having been awakened throughout the night when they got up for feedings.
Dec 22, 2006 Spider link
*waves to Spellcast*

Long since I was active myself, but you're remembered fondly.

Don't forget to get some sleep, ;)
Dec 26, 2006 Sun Tzu link
Will all due respect to the devs, a kid is much more fun than VO :D

Spellcast, you've got a difficult task ahead but also the most rewarding one!
Dec 29, 2006 Blacklight link
Cya spell!
Jan 25, 2007 sector0 link
Bye Spellcast. You'll be visiting like i do.