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Interesting set of tests

Dec 07, 2006 jexkerome link

I recommend reading everything really really carefully.
Dec 07, 2006 upper case link
that huge form past the reaction test totally killed it form me.

so, i used 'e' for 'bad web site' and followed with a quick click on the close box.
Dec 09, 2006 Professor Chaos link
Well that was an interesing link, but ultimately lame. Their study is useless, and has nothing to do with association. All it is is "how fast can you remember if this goes on the left topic or the right topic?" The entire study is contaminated with confirmation bias, and tells me more about the people offering the test and conducting the study than it does of myself.

I took the Fat-Thin one, and the Black-White/Weapons-Harmless Objects test. The racism/weapons one was stupider (yes that's a word, because I say it is). It had nothing to do with whether I associate weapons with black people or white people; all it tested was how fast I can recognize whether the object was a weapon or a harmless object, or a black person or a white person. This stupid test only tests reaction time, and not association at all.

I say again: confirmation bias. They even dimwittedly admit it on some of them: "Weight ('Fat - Thin' IAT). This IAT requires the ability to distinguish faces of people who are obese and people who are thin. It often reveals an automatic preference for thin people relative to fat people." They tell the expected result before you even take the damn thing!
Dec 09, 2006 Gavan link
While I agree that it is for the most part a game of memory as opposed to a test of ones hidden prejudices, I also have some problems with the fundamental methods employed.

First off, I'm Canadian, so the whole test felt sort of redundant anyway.

Secondly, they utilize bizzare, vague queries like: How warm do you feel towards Black people. What the fuck does that mean? Are they asking if I get all fuzzy inside every time I pass some black dude on the street? Or are they asking if I tend to initiate friendships with White people more often than Black people? Anyway, the whole thing is riddled with these Corporate Market Research bullshit questions.

Anyway, I don't think it's neccesarily riddled with "confirmation bias", but I don't think it's a very good test for determining one's tolerance of other races.

edit: For the record I scored moderate in the one test I actually finished, the Asian one.
Dec 09, 2006 toshiro link

Linkified for your convenience.

Edit: I tried one test (Male/Female thingie) and didn't finish it. Guess my attention span is too short.
Dec 09, 2006 Professor Chaos link
Gavan: Definately. I was wary answering those. It's like when you apply for a job and they make you do it on a computer and you have to ask questions like: "Do you think that most employees steal?" If I answer yes, are they going to interpret that as "Yeah, they do, so I might as well, too" or "Yeah, they do, but I don't." If I say no, do they think that means I'm lying so they don't think I'll steal? Stupid.

You're right on with the "how warm do you feel toward black people." Of course I'm friendly toward black people, I don't care if they're black or not (whoa! A Republican who's not racist! The racist Republican is a harmful false stereotype. Maybe they need an IAT on associating racists/not racists with Republicans/Democrats). Do they mean "do black people give you an allergic reaction, complete with a fever?" Do they mean, "could you date a black woman?" I put that I was neutral to blacks and whites. I prefer people, but there was nowhere for me to put that down.

EDIT: This site wouldn't bother me, but studies like this are done all the time, and whenever the results are published everyone always sees them in the news, where the results are invariably described as "shocking."
Dec 13, 2006 Fnugget link
That blew chunks. Having you memorize one way totally destroys memorizing it the other way. It's the same way with homework.
Dec 13, 2006 drdoak007 link
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i think i broke it.
Dec 14, 2006 Snax_28 link
No you went to slow. Basically it means you suck at memorization games, that is all, nothing more, nothing less.
Dec 14, 2006 WE WANT LEEBS! link
I didn't manage to go past the registration stage. I guess my attention span is even shorter that toshiro's.