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ps 3 vs wII

Nov 19, 2006 Renegade xxRIPxx link
Nov 19, 2006 BoxCarRacer link
Heh, with all that new hardware that the PS3 has.... its still only DX9.

It'll never look as good as a PC.
Nov 19, 2006 greengeek link
Last I checked, PC graphics are "still" only DX9 as well. Though some of the cards with higher-end capabilities are starting to show up, with price tags similar to the PS3, games and APIs to take advantage of them are probably still a ways off. Ordinarily, consoles get much more "bang" out of their hardware, since the game developers (the good ones anyway) get to make assumptions about the hardware that PC developers can't.

For example, the Xbox was based on customized PC hardware (Pentium III 733MHz, nVidia GeForce 3-based graphics chip). Halo for the PC listed nearly the exact specs of the Xbox hardware (less basic OS requirements etc) as the minimum requirements. To get it to look as good or better than the Xbox, you needed a much more powerful gaming rig.

A gaming rig that can beat anything the 360 or PS3 can do (not that the full extent of those capabilities are known yet) is certainly possible. But it's going to cost a lot more. Personally, I measure most things by how much fun I have playing them. I don't need a massive video card to play VO, for instance (though it would certainly look nicer than it does for me right now).
Nov 19, 2006 Palmm link
Nov 19, 2006 BoxCarRacer link
DX10 graphics cards are already out.
I give it about 6 months to a year till we see DX10 games.
Porting a game made for the Xbox to a PC is a bad example of system requirements.
PS3 is supposed to be a 10 year system.
I believe there will be upgrade options for the PS3 (you send it in, they pimp it out).
That's what I was told.

I agree with the cost of fun thing.
That's why I'm gonna buy a Wii.
After I sell my PS3 for a few grand :)
Nov 19, 2006 jexkerome link
The winner of this round of the systems wars is the Wii; people are talking of getting a PS3 and a Wii, or a 360 and a Wii.
Nov 19, 2006 roguelazer link
PowerPC 750 derivative vs PowerPC 970 derivative with a zillion vector units. I know which one wins from the standpoint of "let's install Linux on a console."
Nov 19, 2006 mr bean link
the ps3 is nothing but a stronger and faster more expensive version of the ps2 which was a faster stronger version of a ps1. the wii is different from any other nintendo console. in ten years theres gonna be ps6 which will be a stronger faster version of the ps5 and nintendo is gonna have something incredible that no one could ever imagine for less than half the price.
Nov 19, 2006 Professor Chaos link
mr bean: You are right, but it's not a guarantee that Nintendo will keep coming up with winners. I'd pretty much given up on Nintendo after the GameCube, because that thing is stupid. Finally I'm excited about Nintendo again. The next one, though, who knows if that one will be stupid, too. I've not tried a Wii, but the N64 is still my favorite console, if only because that one has the greatest game of all time: GoldenEye 64 (oh, and Perfect Dark, too).
Nov 20, 2006 mr bean link
the reason gamecube sucked was that nintendo tried to compete with other companies. nintendo learned from that mistake and it wont happen again any time soon if ever
Nov 21, 2006 drdoak007 link
well, my new Wii is awesome. and i havent opened any other games than the Wii Sports that came with it.

"i love my Wiife."

cant wait for both zelda and redsteel