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im calling out softy2

Nov 16, 2006 who? me? link
you left the game after BLAK fell apart with the intention of staying away forever as a protest.

I figured that you would have the gumption to go through with your threat, and be a role model for change. but nooooo...

you come crawling back like the rest of them.
Nov 16, 2006 Snax_28 link
First off, there's a difference between a mutal agreement between all guild members to disband the (at the time) most active guild in the game as a protest... and a guild falling apart. Big difference.

Second, I don't remember Softy2 saying he was going to stay away for ever? Most of what happened around that time had to do with Arolte.

You got any links? Evidence?

And if you do fight, where will it be? I wanna watch.
Nov 16, 2006 Whistler link
Let's keep this civil or it goes away. I have a bad feeling about this.
Nov 16, 2006 WE WANT LEEBS! link
/me crawls.....

/me crawls more....



NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! (cue evil music, to the tune of your choice Star Wars "NOOOOO" theme, as per Whistler's second sentence.)
Nov 16, 2006 who? me? link
i never said i wanted to fight.

and no i have no links or evidence. Just eye witness testimony, which it turns out is less useful than they once thought it was.
Nov 16, 2006 WE WANT LEEBS! link
Actually, you are so late with your calling out. I came back to play the Wailing Widow, remember? I freaked out everyone and but everyone had fun!
Nov 16, 2006 Dark Knight link
/me puts up a "France, circa 1789"

"WE WANT LEEBS!" is definitely a loyalist, I heard him talking well of Arolte. Off with his posting privileges!
Nov 16, 2006 WE WANT LEEBS! link
And you will show my head to the people, for it is worth seeing!
Nov 17, 2006 Dr. Lecter link
I'll put your head up on a pike in the commons. And then I'll look up at your staring, clouded eyes and I'll wave. Like this.

/me waggles fingers and smiles
Nov 17, 2006 Georges Danton link
Nov 17, 2006 LeberMac link
I'll come back if Holden does.
Nov 17, 2006 Lexicon link
/me stuffs LeberMac back down into the Void where he belongs.

Back in yer hole, bitch!

/me prays furiously...
Nov 17, 2006 jexkerome link
Sweet, a chance not to see Lexicon again.

Nov 17, 2006 WE WANT LEEBS! link
Jex : BOO!
Nov 17, 2006 Holden Caulfield link
Boo! #2