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The internet is not for porn.

Nov 15, 2006 Scuba Steve 9.0 link
Nov 15, 2006 Cunjo link
Nov 15, 2006 Professor Chaos link
Stark's study found that only 6 percent of all queries returned a sexually explicit Web site, despite the consistent popularity of queries related to sex. It also found that the filters that did the best job blocking sexually explicit content also inadvertently blocked lots of content that was not explicit.

I wonder what the numbers are, so small a percentage dedicated to porn but those sites being so popular.
Nov 15, 2006 Snax_28 link
Ok I had never heard of Avenue Q until now. That is brilliant. Bloody catchy tunes too. Wonder if they'll ever tour.
Nov 15, 2006 moldyman link
Avenue Q was (is) a Broadway production. Made the most money the year it debuted, I think. Anyway, might be the wrong Avenue Q.