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/vote mute Question.

Nov 10, 2006 chillum baba link
When you /vote mute yourself (to check how many votes you have), it says your vote has been recorded. Has it?
(This is in bugs, cause if it is recorded... obviously it'd be a bug. (feature?))
Nov 10, 2006 Snax_28 link
Paranoid much?
Nov 10, 2006 chillum baba link
Only when I smoke too much pot.

And... Just cause you're not paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get you. ;P
Nov 10, 2006 Snax_28 link
Dude!!! How could you even dare screw that up!

Just cuz your paranoid, don't mean they're not after you....

...unless you were quoting one other than Cobain?
Nov 10, 2006 Cunjo link
Cobain is overrated. I like Root's version better.
Nov 10, 2006 Snax_28 link
Oh how so very trendy of you Cunjo. Regardless, it's a great line, credit where credit is due. Unless of course Root was quoting someone else.....
Nov 10, 2006 chillum baba link
Never heard Cobain's version (I assume you refer to Kurt Cobain?) It's a very very old line... learned it long before Nirvana existed.

EDIT: Erm, Nirvana the band... Not before the Buddha expounded on Nirvana 2500 years ago, of course. And of course not before Nirvana itself came to be as it is in fact never born and always existing and... erm talk about tangents eh?

And it is variously said: paranoid, NOT paranoid... out to get you, NOT out to get you. All the permutations have application. But, I like this version best myself. (Though... Just cause you are paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get you... Works too.)
Nov 10, 2006 Whistler link
Cobain got it from:
Nov 10, 2006 chillum baba link
Are you saying the original source is available on that site? The owner/author of that site is certainly not the source (unless he/she is very old), been around since the 50's at least. (Beatniks (the pre-hippies) used it a lot, and the hippies learned it from them, and used it quite extensively. I learned it from an old soldier/beatnik/hippie/shaivite (in chronological order, and where in that chronology he picked it up? got me) I used to go camping (and smoke lots of pot) with, when I was but a lad (mid-teens).)

EDIT: And if you are just saying Kurt Cobain pulled it from that site... ummmm, is that even possible? Hadn't he blown his head off before the internet was really very accessible? What year did that moron kill himself anyways? (moron cause he killed himself, otherwise he seemed pretty with it)

And, don't tell me to read the site... not wading through what looks to be a lot of highly questionable shite to find some kernel of wisdom. (but hey, I haven't read it, so maybe it's not shite, just my impression from a very quick skim)

EDIT: Ahh hell, I'll just read the site...

EDIT: It IS shite, but interesting shite. Thanks for the link.
Nov 10, 2006 Whistler link
I did not state that R.A. Wilson was the source, I said Cobain got it from him. Wilson was born in 1932, however. You can see right there on the page that he's an old guy. It's a picture - no wading involved.

Cobain's Song "Territorial Pissings" on the Nevermind album came out in '91. The WWW was semi-public around '93, so I would assume that the website was not the source. I was referring to Wilson himself. Wilson wrote BOOKS from 1975 on. The most famous one is The Illuminatus Trilogy which discusses paranoia in America.

Yes, it's all shite...but INTERESTING shite!

/edit - I read about this in a magazine years ago, but there's a bit from wikipedia that makes a passing reference (and supplied the actual year of the album which I thought was earlier).
Nov 11, 2006 Snax_28 link
/me wonders if he can take credit for derailing this topic....

Anyway, interesting stuff. I was unawares of the connection between Wilson and Territorial Pissings.... although it makes sense once you do Wilson's writings.

Now, just to derail this a touch more:

Root, don't you think it's a bit harsh to call Suicide victims "morons"? Especially considering the majority of them are seriously mentally ill, with the remaining bunch commiting it in order to end painful, terminal diseases? (I would group Cobain in with the former)
Nov 11, 2006 chillum baba link
LOL... "victims?" WTF? (was gonna say more, but that covers it)

EDIT: Or, crap... guess I have to deal with the other side of what you are saying... to end your life (self-inflicted mercy killing basically) when suffering greatly is perhaps understandable. But ultimately futile. So, I stand by "moron." And, yes, I AM harsh often.

EDIT: And yes... this thread is seriously OT. (But hey... as well as being harsh I am often OT, just the way me mind flows.)
Nov 11, 2006 Snax_28 link
How is suicide futile?! I would say unless it's your stereotypical cry for help (read, standing on a bridge railing, wailing your head of and screaming at people "I'M GONNA DO IT!! for hours until a cop comes and talks you out of it), then it's most effective. In fact, considering that a suicide "victim" (the definition of victim: "a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action"; it's also a widely accepted term) sets out with the intention of putting an end to their life, I would say there are few actions one could undertake that are less futile.

:) <----to show I'm not getting suicidal over this, although it may be a ruse!

Oh and in case anyone is feeling suicidal.... here.
Nov 11, 2006 chillum baba link
It is futile by the definition of futile, in other words, it accomplishes nothing. (Cept bring more pain to your loved ones, and ultimately you.) As far as "victim," erm... I'm also a victim of pot smoking then... how stupid.

Some guide/forum moderator: Might as well move this to OT... it's clearly not about a possible bug anymore, and I'm sure one of the devs has already seen it... though not replied. :(
Nov 11, 2006 Lexicon link
I /vote mute myself on a regular basis. I just can't stand to hear myself talk.
Nov 11, 2006 chillum baba link
Thanks for bringing us back on-topic (sort-of), Lexicon. :)

But it's toooo little, toooo late methinks...
I assume the mods will be moving this soon also... so then there won't be a topic really or at least, it'll be... off.
Nov 11, 2006 Whistler link
Nov 12, 2006 chillum baba link
thanks whistler... belongs here more at this point.
Nov 12, 2006 Professor Chaos link
Snax: Funny link.

chillum: Wow, that's more edits in one thread than I've ever seen.

Kurt Cobain was a tragedy, for sure, but I agree that it was a moronic thing to do. Those who commit suicide are victims, but they are victims of their own actions. From my point of view, believing that there was a life before this and will be one after and that our spirits are immortal, suicide is wrong, and solves nothing. Sure, it ends this life, which may be painful, but it amounts to saying to God, "thanks, but no thanks, you gave me this life, but I don't want it anymore." So Kurt Cobain is to be pitied for his decision to end his life (unless he didn't, as some say), but it was still his choice, and a morally wrong one. The other half of the tragedy is that it meant no more great music from a great musician. My favorite Nirvana song (original, not counting songs they covered such as Lake of Fire) is Something in the Way. Good stuff.
Nov 12, 2006 chillum baba link
Hah, you should of seen how many edits I had before I edited some out. ;)