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Nov 09, 2006 smittens link

I found it hilarious!

I'm curious as to what you all thought of it, especially THE SCENE. Everyone I went with was mortified by it, as was I, but you have to appreciate the balls (pun intended) the producers must have to put something in like that. It's...astounding.
Nov 09, 2006 who? me? link
hehe which one, the one in the hotel, or in the conference room?

overall i'd say best movie ever, or funniest at least.
Nov 09, 2006 Professor Chaos link
Hmm, haven't seen it, but I doubt it can be funnier than Zoolander. And please don't tell me that Napoleon Dynamite was funny at all. I'm mildly curious about this Borat movie. I'd never heard of the character until I was upset to find Colbert Report usurped (can't find the right word, that one'll have to do) by a lame promo for Borat. I find that lame movies tend to get the most of this kind of hype, but I'll reserve judgement for when (if) I see this movie, which probably won't be until the DVD release next week. I do enjoy British comedy, though, so we'll see.
Nov 10, 2006 Snax_28 link
Nov 10, 2006 smittens link
The hotel scene. Which was conference?
Nov 10, 2006 who? me? link
when they ran out of the hotel and borat's friend got arrested for streaking

Nov 10, 2006 Lexicon link

Oh sheesh, Prof. Chaos, Zoolander was some lame-ass shit compared to Borat.
Nov 10, 2006 toshiro link
I heard from friends (who's judgement I trust) that the movie wasn't that good... I'll borrow the DVD from a gullible friend (different friend) and watch it then. Worst case: I miss out on something. Best case: I'll laugh my ass off because my attention span is longer than 10 ns.
Nov 11, 2006 smittens link
Borat is a good personality test. If you don't laugh, you suck.
Nov 11, 2006 ananzi link
this lady at the news station in jackson , mi, got fired for being foold by borat.

alot of it is funny, but sometimes its not funny, its just mean.

like the whole singing the star spangled banner thing - i dont get it. a bunch of rednecks getting angry at someone screwing up the star spangled banner. roseanne did this in the 90s, was that funny too?
Nov 11, 2006 jexkerome link
Hell yes it was.

Borat is a funny movie if you're not easily offended; otherwise, stay the hell away from it.
Nov 13, 2006 ArAsH link
"this my sister, she number 4 prostitute in whole of kazachstan..."

:D haha

Cohen is a genious, the answers he gets out of his interviews, he's a comunicative genious, no doubt.
Nov 13, 2006 Renegade xxRIPxx link
I just knew I sucked...

it was the biggest, and dumbest movie in history... it is even worse then jackass and zoolander combined and that means something...

I really don't understand how someone can laugh with those dumb statements and ridiculisations...

Seriously, people that spend money for it should really really really just give their wasted 10 bucks to me next time... I can at least spend it wiser for example by paying for an extra month of vendetta...
Nov 13, 2006 Lexicon link
Funniest movie I have seen in a looooong time. Funnier than "Showgirls." Well worth the $$.

SexyTime! You like?
Nov 14, 2006 Ghost link
I liked it a lot actually. It's really a very smart comedy disguised as a stupid one. The majority of the gags are so funny because they're based off of some sad truths in today's word.
Nov 15, 2006 Dark Knight link
"What's up with it vanilla-face?"
Nov 15, 2006 yodaofborg link

Its funny, cos its true! And if you cant relate to some of this humour, or get offended by it, lighten up ffs!
Nov 17, 2006 Suicidal Lemming link
The scene with the bear and the kids? Yah, that's pure awesomness.